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查禁教友派信徒和女巫。Quakers and witches are banned.

他们威胁要查禁此书。They threatened to ban the book.

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一家私人出版社被查禁,政党活动被禁止。A private press was forbidden, and political parties banned.

那位坛友本无意让法律查禁该游戏。The author of the report had no intention of outlawing the game.

这是一件有关私藏大麻的案子,我们请求法官查禁证据。And this was a possession of marijuana case, we thought a motion to suppress evidence.

蒋介石也实行禁书政策,他查禁的书不会少于清朝。Jiang Jieshi has also implemented the policy he banned, banned the book not less than.

1994年,马来西亚政府以涉嫌传邪教的名义查禁了该组织。The Malaysian government banned the group for its allegedly deviant teachings in 1994.

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此书问世后不久即遭到宋初统治者查禁。This book was banned by the early ruler of Song Dynasty, before long it was published.

阿拉伯地区的咖啡馆很快成为政治活动的中心,因此遭到了查禁。The Arabian coffeehouses soon became centres of political activity and were suppressed.

萨尔在第一时间查禁了这出戏,而那个诗人则被送到影月谷去干活。Thrall immediately banned this play and sent the poet to help out in Shadowmoon Valley.

其中的几名状告市政府,随后市政府查禁了公布此案的学生领导的团体。Several sued the city, which then banned the student-led group that publicized the case.

大多数要求查禁的人都是关心孩子读物的家长以及某些宗教组织的成员。Most would-be censors are parents concerned about their children's reading or members of religious groups.

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被阉割了的媒体和缺乏独立性的消费者权益组织帮助查禁这类坏消息。A muzzled press and a lack of independent consumer-rights organisations help suppress this sort of bad news.

被阉割了的媒体和缺乏独立性的消费者权益组织帮助查禁这类坏消息。A muzzled press and a lack of independent consumer-rights organizations help suppress this sort of bad news.

一个亚临界的热点,比如一个巨大的邻近毒品市场,根据这个模型显示是能够被很有效的查禁的。A subcritical hot spot, like a large neighborhood drug market, can be effectively suppressed according to the model.

扫黄对被认为不道德或淫秽的文学作品或其它表现或传播此内容的形式进行查禁。Censorship of literature and other forms of expression and communication because of perceived immorality or obscenity.

美国文学史上的一些最宝贵的代表著作因使用了粗秽语言或涉有性方面内容而被列入查禁范围。Some of the most cherished books in the American literary cannon have fallen foul of censorship rows by dint of their language or sexual content.

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它最近公布的2008年禁书排名榜中纪录了513宗要求查禁书籍的案件,其中有74宗所提书籍已成功被禁止或限制阅读。Its newly released rankings for 2008 recorded 513 cases where books were targeted for censorship, of which 74 were successfully banned or restricted.

报人和官员对查禁一事的不同态度,彰显了对新闻纸这一新生事物理解上的巨大差异。The different attitudes of newspaper editors and government officials towards the ban of Shanghai Post indicate contrasting views on modern journalism.

据此网页,此书出版之后不久便遭印度政府的查禁。当然目前早已经解禁。Brigadier Dalvi served in the Indian Army and gives a first-person account of the war. The book was banned by the Indian Government after its publication.