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音乐,文笔,算术.Music, writing, and arithmetic.

他那辛辣的文笔是麻辣味的。His spice blend is a peppery one.

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他作品的文笔很明快。His writings are bright in style.

看这文笔一定是金先生写的。The writing stlye is just classic mr.

这是垃圾,虽然文笔太差,不过还算有趣。This is just another legal potboiler.

没错。那就是文笔塔。Sure. That's the Writing Brush Pagoda.

当然这是一封文笔很好的信。A wonderfully written email, of course.

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在文笔和标点符号上保持一致。Be consistent in grammar or punctuation.

他的散文文笔流畅。His essays are of an easy flowing style.

她文笔很好,但写出的东西缺乏想象力。She writes well, but fails in imagination.

非常好的故事,很妙的文笔。It was a very good story and very well written.

他的文笔因研究了伟大作家的作品而变得洗练。His style was chastened by study of great writers.

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好文笔之要素依旧保留。There always remain common elements of good writing.

BL发文区,让我们看看你的好文笔吧!BL dispatch area, let us have a look your good writing!

他的文笔凶猛,而他本人给人的感觉却有些趋于懦弱。Ferocious in writing, he tended to be cowardly in person.

故事情节很好,文笔细腻,插图精美。Good plot, great characterization, enticing illustrations.

文笔好的人很容易用自己的语言引起别人的兴趣。Good writers can easily interest some people with their words.

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大匠运斤形容人技艺精湛或文笔娴熟高超。Great artisan yun jin describe skilled or highly adept writing.

的成功之处在于平中显奇、文笔巧妙。Success lies in writing paper-cover reveals wonderfully, clever.

多么好的一篇抒情散文啊!文笔细腻,写出了春意浓浓的气氛。How good expresses feelings the prose! The style was exquisite, has.