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顾客能做些什么呢?What can customers do?

我平均每天接送10位顾客。I do 10 on average a day.

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以名字直呼你的顾客。Call the customer by name.

悉心对待你的顾客。Look after your customers.

如何为顾客挑选羽毛球?How To Choose Shuttlecocks?

就在这时候,女顾客放了一个屁。Just then, the woman farts.

所以我们要了解顾客。So we glyphic the customer.

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他跟顾客互动。He interacts with consumers.

顾客是衣食父母。King is our customer's name.

希望你顾客盈门!Wish you have more clients !

顾客蜂拥冲入了商店。Customers stampeded the shop.

愿为我最好的顾客效劳。Anything for my best customer.

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她是个很会讨顾客喜欢的女招待。She is very pleasing waitress.

那才会有顾客。That's where the customers are.

你的顾客服务如何?How about your customer service?

据说他们每天有50~60名顾客。They have 50-60 customers a day.

顾客们以为他们都是谁?Who do consumers think they are?

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顾客就是我们的财神爷。Customers are our Gods of Wealth.

它对顾客没有什么好处。It does not benefit the customer.

我是它的忠实顾客,很棒。that I'm a fan of, I really like.