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选择一种生活,闲适惬意,随心而动!Chose better life, free your heart!

喜欢静谧闲适的美。Enjoy beautiful with quiet and leisure.

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闲适自在的人,最善于处理人生的惊变。The carefree are apt to handle the unexpected.

梨园的生活是舒缓的,慢调的,闲适的。Legendary life is soothing, slow tune, and leisure.

闲适犹如接吻,要使它甜蜜,必须是偷来的!Idlesness, like kisses, to be sweet must be stolen !

闲适就是允许你不做任何时情。Leisure is being allowed to do nothing. —G. K. Chesterton.

但今年我却选择独倚窗台,求得一点闲适。But this year I choose on the windowsill, obtained a leisurely.

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构建风格为在趣味性里蕴含闲适文人的智性追求。It shows essayists' pursuit of wisdom in a humorous and refined style.

相反,我们只是闲适地坐着,看着荧幕,一起忘记了现实中的时间。Instead, we just sit back and watch and lose track of the time together.

1967年的加加林已经和1961年的那个轻松闲适的年轻人完全不同了。The Gagarin of 1967 was very different from the carefree young man of 1961.

如果您想获得一份夏日的清凉与闲适,快来与我相约吧!If you are raring for a cool summer with ease, come and date with me, honey!

这些照片拍摄下了地球上一些最安谧最闲适的天堂。These photos capture some of the most tranquil and relaxing paradises on Earth.

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阐述我们对于中学生闲适读物阅读所应持有的态度。Chapter Four proposes the attitude we should hold towards leisure reading matter.

思绪就如同一片慵懒的云,走走停停,慢悠悠地在青岛人才网闲适的日光里漂浮着游荡着。Mind is like a lazy clouds, stop-and-go, slowly in the quiet solar floating around.

他们大多有一份赖以维生的工作,写诗只是一种爱好、一种闲适与守持。Most of them have a job, write poetry was just a hobby, a leisure and keep holding.

这样练习时,至少有一、两次,你会感受到某种闲适。At least once or twice, you should experience a sense of restfulness as you do this.

任何一个英格兰的动物在他一岁以后都不会再知道快乐和闲适的意思。No animal in England knows the meaning of happiness or leisure after he is a year old.

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制作工艺精湛,演绎出轻松、自然、闲适的居家生活之道。And the profession fabricate technique indicates an easy , nature and ease way of life.

去留无意,望天上云卷云舒的闲适意境。Accidentally, hope heaven emanates leisurely clouds scud across the artistic conception.

如今,我们谈论问题,已经失去了想象中的那张闲适、雅致、温和。In today, our discourse on problems has lost the envisioned casualness, grace and tender.