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蚊子会叮人。Mosquitoes bite.

蚊子多的地方。A place with lots of mosquitos.

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蚊子滋生于不流动的池塘里。Mosquitoes breed in still ponds.

蚊子和老鼠来拜访他们。Mosquitoes and mice visited them.

并非所有的蚊子携带疟疾病毒,但是偏偏最喜食人类血液的疟蚊携带。Not all mosquitoes carry malaria.

死水滋生蚊子。Stagnant water breeds mosquitoes.

然后是那些蚊子很糟糕。Then the midges had been very bad.

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季夏是蚊子肆虐的时候。Late summertime is mosquito season.

以是我必须挂断蚊子传播网。So I had to hang up a mosquito-net.

某些蚊子传播疟疾。Certain mosquitoes transmit malaria.

几只蚊子发出咻咻的尖声。A few mosquitoes are pinging shrilly.

蚊子摇晃在瓶子的阴影里。Gnats toss in the shadow of a bottle.

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没有更多的蚊子和飞虫。No more mosquitos and flying insects.

蚊子正在我周围嗡嗡乱叫。The mosquitos are drumming around me.

我们忍受着蚊子和飞虫的叮咬。We suffer from mosquito bites, flies.

你被蚊子咬的地方还痒吗?Are your mosquito bites still itching?

大多数蚊子咬你只会让你感到瘙痒。Most skeeter bites just make you itch.

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这里没有苍蝇,但是有蚊子。Aquí no hay moscas, pero hay mosquitos.

有种蚊子叮人后人会患疟疾。One type of mosquito can cause malaria.

请问蚊子咬伤擦什么药?。What do you suggest for mosquito bites?