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照我的指示去做。Do as I command.

低电量指示。Low battery indication.

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他给出了吃圣餐的指示。He gives instructions on that.

指示针完全坏了。My needle was totally knackered.

颜色编码电路指示。Colour coded circuit designation.

请给予指示。Give me some prescription, please.

指示,不带电池的电压。Indicates voltage without battery.

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现在我将真事指示你,波斯还有三王兴起,第四王必富足远胜诸王。And now will I shew thee the truth.

我们上峰有指示,让他们闹去吧。We've instructions to lave them be.

“系好安全带”的指示灯亮了。The 'fasten seat belt' sign come on.

列表以下项目的指示。Denotes that a list of items follows.

有没有我的靠泊指示?Have you got my berthing instruction?

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请指示我最近的银行在哪里。Please direct me to the nearest bank.

指示当电池电量低时。Indicates when battery is running low.

速度计指示着每小时95英里。The speedometer was indicating 95 mph.

但这是只卡通版的指示犬。But this was a caricature of the breed.

但没有人遵照此一指示。But no one cares about the instructions.

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拐弯之前别忘记指示车行方向。Don't forget to indicate before turning.

你们能重复一遍刚才的指示吗?Would you please repeat them back to me?

将格线指示区拖曳到方格外。Drag the gridline indicator off the grid.