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这是沿着正确的方向迈出的一步。And that’s a step in the right direction.

而今年,跟任何一年一样,都是迈出新步伐的好时机。And this year is as good as any to do that.

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BP只是迈出了万里长征的第一步。This is a first step in a very long journey.

每一个“第二次机会”都是得有迈出的第一步的…Every second chance begins with a first step.

自信是向成功迈出的第一步。Self confidence is the first step to success.

今天只向前迈出1步,将会是什么样的状况呢?Take just 1 step forward today. What will it be?

“这是朝着正确方向迈出的重要一步”。This is an important step in the right direction.

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那么,今天就迈出那一步,为你的计划开始行动!Take that step today, and put your plan into action.

在超声定量诊断研究上迈出了一步。The study benefits ultra-sound quantitative diagnosis.

“巴黎公社,”列宁说,“迈出了第一步。”"The Paris Commune, " said Lenin, "was the first step.

政府问责局审计美联储这一措施,将是正确的改革方向上迈出的巨大一步。A GAO audit would be a big step in the right direction.

上述各点是SNDA向前迈出的一大步。And the above points are a great step forward for SNDA.

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迈出每一小步,每段时间做一小件事,你就会成功。Small steps, one thing at a time, and you'll get there.

但是我们正朝正确的方向迈出重大步伐。But we are taking important steps in the right direction.

我只想轻轻的,默默的,迈出我坚实的每步。I just want to gently, silently, taken every step I solid.

公司迈出的每一步,每一点一滴的发展,感觉都好极了。Every step, every ounce of progress, feels good, ' he says.

这位减少单一文化的偏执迈出了一小步。It is a small step in reducing the bigotry of monocultures.

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在她的那霸的经验,她已经迈出了第一步。With her NAHA experience, she's already taken the first step.

如果你可以回答这些简单的问题,就迈出了第一步。If you can answer these simple questions, it’s the first step.

迈出那一步是也许恐惧万分,但你已经迈步前进。That one step may be full of fears but still you move forward.