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他生了三个子女。He begot three children.

请问你有冇子女?D5. Do you have children?

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我是他们的曾孙子女。I'm their great-grandson.

她抚养了很多子女。She reared a large family.

子女是父母的至宝。Caution is parent of safety.

子女过多是个拖累。Too many children are a burden.

是的,他们欠子女们很多东西。Yes, they owe thema great deal.

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但是让子女帮一些小忙是有益无害的。But a little help would be nice.

她因子女的问题而犹豫不决。She oscillated for her children.

你可以剥夺子女的继承权.You can disinherit your children.

子女是父母的财富。Children nare the parents, riches.

丁克家庭指双收入无子女家庭。DINK means double incomes no kids.

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她老是斥责自己的子女。She is always scolding her children.

子女应该尊敬父母。Childern should repect their parents.

祝你的妻子为你孕育许多子女。May your wife bear you many children.

收养人只能收养一名子女。The adopter may only adopt one child.

其实,回家啃老对子女也是不利的。But it's bad for the returning kids too.

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他把子女都送进了大学。He put all his children through college.

一对无子女的夫妇领养了这个混血儿。A childless couple adopted the half-breed.

天下父母都对自己的子女很好。All the parents are good to their children.