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战斗旗在远处挺举关于发狂地。The battle flag in the distance jerked about madly.

亲爱的观众,挺举比赛现在结束。Dear spectators, the clean and jerk competition has concluded.

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是啊,他零三年的时候还打破了挺举的世界纪录呢。Yeah, he broke the weightlifting world record in the clean-and-jerk in 2003.

它更多的是一种自我膨胀,有些挂在挺举周围酒吧当晚。It was more of a way of inflating the ego of some jerk hanging around the bar that night.

我想我害怕他,因为他在他的座位挺举如此艰苦,他的棒球帽脱落。I think I scared him, because he jerked in his seat so hard that his baseball cap fell off.

1984年,16岁的苏莱曼诺尔古成为第二位在挺举中举起自身三倍重量的举重运动员。In 1984, at the age of 16, he became the second weight lifter to clean and jerk 3 times his bodyweight.

请不要挺举我们让我们通过周围或跳铁圈,使我们的产品在一个安全的方式运作。Please do not jerk us around or make us jump through hoops to make our products operate in a safe manner.

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要胜过维克多·米特鲁,他得在挺举时举起202公斤,因为他刚才的抓举重量比维克多轻。Viktor Mitrou, he has to lift 202 kilograms in the clean and jerk for he snatched two kilograms less than Victor just now.

有比赛以运动员抓举和挺举成绩的总成现最重者为获胜者。In some competitions, the winner is the lifter who has successfully lifted the highest combined total of weights in the snatch and the clean and jerk.

就像之前所预料的一样,周五,曾获过2次世界冠军的她在女子75公斤级比赛中遥遥领先,抓举128公斤,挺举154公斤。As expected, the double world champion dominated the women's 75-kilogram division on Friday, heaving 128 kg in the snatch and 154 kg in the clean and jerk.

1988年汉城奥运会,苏莱曼诺尔古创下了挺举和抓举两项纪录,赢得了他的第一枚奥运会金牌,并在长达八年半的时间里无敌于天下。During the 1988 Olympics, he broke world records in both the snatch and the clean and jerk, winning his first Olympic gold medal and was undefeated for 8.5 years.

而在挺举比赛里,选手需要先将杠铃置于双肩之上,身体直立,然后再把杠铃举过头顶。In but competes in Clean Jerk, the contestant needs first to set the barbell above the double shoulder, the body stands erect, then has lifted again the barbell the top of the head.

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23日,在第11届全运会男子举重56公斤级比赛中,北京奥运冠军龙清泉以挺举169公斤的成绩,打破了传奇举重名将穆特鲁创造的168公斤的挺举世界纪录。Olympic champion Long Qingquan made an impressive debut at the 11th Chinese National Games Friday as he broke weightlifting legend Mutlu's jerk world record in the men's 56kg category.

当'起飞'我只是'的士'三个轮子,直到我移动至少5至10公里,然后挺举方向盘右边的升降机自行车起飞的起落架舱。When 'taking -off ' I simply 'taxi' on three wheels until I am moving at least 5 to 10 kph, then jerk the steering wheel to the right which lifts the bike off of the landing gear wheel.

在最后一次试举中,考试大她以挺举158公斤改写了由俄罗斯运动员卡萨耶娃保持的世界记录,并重新创造了总成绩为286公斤的世界纪录。In her last attempt, she jerked 158kg and totaled 286kg, rewriting the world record of jerk, previously owned by Russian Zarema Kasaeva, as well as the total, which was newly set by herself.