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阳朔河流竹筏!Yangshuo river bamboo raft!

但是竹筏上的水越来越多。But our bamboo raft had more water on it.

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您还可以乘坐竹筏欣赏沿溪风光。You can also take a raft tour of the river.

自己裁的,竹筏,湖水,不喜欢。His cutting, bamboo rafting, the lake, don't like.

黎同学更笑言今次的训练营令她学会了一种新的扎竹筏方法。"But I did learn how to build a raft! "said Shirley.

看那边的那些竹筏,上面有人有鸟。Look at those bamboo rafts over there with men and big birds.

菲律宾船夫沿着瓦瓦坝河划着竹筏。A boatman paddles his bamboo raft along the river at Wawa Dam, Philippines.

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吃完午餐去骑大象和坐竹筏漂流。Lunch and depart for elephant riding and rafting. coffee time by the falls.

乘竹筏漂泊是最使人冲动的旅行流动跟体育流动。Bamboo rafting is one of the most exciting aesthetic and sporting experiences.

与其它同路人,我小心翼翼地踏上一个大竹筏,以邮轮河中。With other fellow travelers, I gingerly stepped onto a big bamboo raft to cruise the river.

看瓯江帆影、乘竹筏漂流、听渔舟唱晚,别有一番风味。Ou see Jiang Fan Ying, by bamboo rafting, listen to the Homebound Fishermen, do not have a flavor.

吃完午饭下午就准备坐竹筏沿着美萍河道泰族部落村寨。Lunch will be served. Afternoon starting bamboo rafting along Mae Ping river to Thai tribes village.

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每当有竹筏从这里经过的时候,附近热情的缅甸村民都会递上新鲜的水果。Whenever there are bamboo rafts passing by, the nearby Myanmar villagers would offer them fresh fruit.

语言学家们乘着一艘竹筏沿着迅急的河流从山上一直漂流而下,来到了这个名为Kichan的小山村。At a rushing mountain river, the linguists crossed on a bamboo raft and entered the tiny village of Kichang.

参加者在下午则需利用竹、绳及胶桶,合力制作一只竹筏,并航行半小时。In the afternoon, participants used bamboo, ropes and barrels to make a raft and sailed offshore for half an hour.

然后坐竹筏的时候,我们除了看到一些水鸟,解说员也让我们下水去挖蛤蜊!Then, when we rode on a raft to the mangrove forests, the guide even let us go down into the water and find clams !

漓江上,一位穿着传统服饰的渔翁正从他的竹筏上把网抛进水中。An old fisherman, wearing the traditional outfit, is throwing his net out over the water from his bamboo raft on the Li River.

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“步”是个汉字,却也是越人谓“竹筏”、“渡口”、“舟船停泊处”的汉音译写字。Pace is a Chinese character, also is a transliterated word with the meaning of raft, ferry and harborage as for the Yue people.

多美的天然雕刻啊!看那边的那些竹筏,上面有人和大鸟。鸟在忙着捉鱼呢。What a beautiful sculpture of nature! Look at those bamboo rafts over there with men and big birds. The birds are busy catching fish.

一叶竹筏往来于今朝与昨夜之间,而今却已索断杆折,不知去向。Once, there was a leaf of bamboo raft ferrying between today and yestreen , but it now vanished with only a broken rope and pole left.