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他将担负那工作。He'll shoulder the task.

现在需要担负起责任的是莫迪。The immediate onus is on Modi.

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谁将担负这责任?Who will bear the responsibility?

这是我们担负的责任。That is the responsibility we bear.

像她那样的贫困家庭是担负不了的。A poor family like hers can not afford it.

如何担负起更多的个人责任?How can you take more personal responsibility?

摩萨德曾有担负令人震惊的风险作案的先例。The Mossad has a record of taking startling risks.

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建设银行担负了风险,但是华为因而迅速发展起来。China Construction took the hit, but Huawei boomed.

很抱愧我们不克不及担负你方索赔。But we regret our inability to accommodate your claim.

女性现在担负着养家活口的责任。Women are now bearing the burden of being breadwinners.

他在担负着高级官职的责任。He shoulders the responsibility of high political office.

沙克担负了我身上的一些重担,我可以少出点汗。Shaq takes some of the press off me and allows me to chill.

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同胞们!我现在开始担负起你们所指派给我的职务。I repair, fellow-citizens, to the post you have assigned me.

把你荒疏已久的技艺重新练好,准备担负新任务。Dust off your old skills and prepare for new responsibilities.

鸟爸爸还担负护巢和保持敌人远离的任务。The father bird also protects the nest and keeps enemies away.

一个分裂的国家必须担负过度高昂的政府费用。A disunited nation has to incur unduly high costs of government.

迫击炮炮弹搬运兵应担负起炮组的保卫任务。The mortar ammo bearers should provide security to the gun team.

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还要我多说吗?杰利,祝你在担负这个使命上幸运成功!Godspeed and good luck in this vital mission you are undertaking?

所以,我们为人父母要担负起这个责任,在这其中找到平衡点。So the onus is on us — the parents — to strike the right balance.

然后在阳光充足的几天里,女人担负做土基的工作。Then a few sunny drying days. Women did most of the brick making.