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存在巨大的人才流失。There is a huge brain drain.

另一个问题是人才流失。Another issue is brain drain.

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这些人才不该流失。That talent should not be lost.

侵蚀作用已使大量表土层流失。Erosion has dissolved acres of topsoil.

我们可能流失了一次或者两次房客。Maybe we did lose roomers once or twice.

防风林有助于防止土壤流失。Windbreaks help prevent the loss of soil.

却没有人哀叹农业劳动力的流失。No one is bemoaning the loss of farm jobs.

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扭转这种人才流失的局面需要时间。Reversing the brain drain could take time.

他是一名流失生,整天游手好闲。He is a dropout, and messes around all day.

在碾磨过程中维生素B是流失了。Vitamin B is also lost in the milling process.

在橙汁流失维他命前应该储存多长时间呢?How long does OJ keep before it loses vitamins?

一减流失率就是保留率。One minus the churn rate is the retention rate.

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欧洲大陆正在流失大量优秀人才。The continent is haemorrhaging its best talent.

这种树可以减少水分流失和土壤侵蚀。The trees reduce water runoff and soil erosion.

做好冷荤间一切工具的保管,防止流失。Keeping of the tool of cold room , Prevent lose.

因此,国有资产流失是必然的。The State-Owned assets will be certainly lossed.

这次事件退了色从我的记忆当时间流失。This event faded from my memory as time went by.

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海洋生物使碳酸盐的壳流失。Sea life makes carbonate shells from this runoff.

全地球不会流失,应该死亡并并非一个罅隙。The state did not leak since death is not a crack.

这引出了一些有趣的科学问题,南极和格陵兰的冰还会继续以更快的速度流失吗?This poses some interesting questions for science.