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我若再说自己精通医道,手到病除,必将遭来祸害。If I say hell, instant solutions to be proficient in his will encounter to evil.

中华医道超越科学,并可包容人体科学。Chinese medical knowledge surpasses science and includes the science of human body!

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在探望病人的时候,如果你医道不怎么高明,就不要扮演医生的角色。In visiting the sick, do not presently play the physician if you be not knowing therein.

没有您高超的医道和美好的医德,我内人是无法得以在如此短的时间内恢复健康的。Ohne Ihre Kunst und Güte wäre meine Frau nicht in so kurzer Zeit wieder gesund geworden.

“医道相通”启示我们道教文化对中医养生思想有一定影响。"Medicine and Taoism in Harmony" indicates us that Taoism culture has some effects on TCM health-keeping.

在龙泽路上,煤医道口往北一点,有人叫那小白楼。On the dragon Ze road, the coal medicine road junction toward a northern spot, some people calls that young Bai building.

我国古代的人体内脏解剖图即五脏图,源自医道两家,主要通过尸体解剖观察而来。Chinese ancient visceral altas . or anatomical illustratons were derived from Taoist and medical Schools through observation in cadavers.

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医道除包含社会、心理、生物因素外,还有天地阴阳、四时经纪等“时”、“空”因素。It contains not only factors of biology, mentality and interpersonal relationship but also astronomy, geography, orientation and timeliness, etc.

科学概念的西化与神化,不仅是中华医道的灾难,而且是人类文明的灾难。Westernization and apotheosizing of scientific concepts is not only the disaster of Chinese medical knowledge but also the disaster of human civilization.

而中国传统文化各学派的思想中,墨家提倡「无差等」之爱和「兼爱」天下,与传统医道精神最相契合。Among the school of thoughts of Chinese traditional culture, Mohist promote Love-without-Distinction and universal love, and it is the most suitable to the traditional medical spirit.