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赞助商以不付款为要挟。The sponsor threatened not to pay up.

根秀拿仁顺的过去要挟善英。RenShun past take root show good English demanding.

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闰之拒绝,太君以杀死东坡要挟。To leap the refusal, too gentleman to kill dongpo blackmail.

他常以辞职相要挟,我们终于让他另谋高就。He always said he would quit, so we finally called his bluff.

在她的要挟下,四人一同来到了青柳家。In her hostage, four people who came into the green willows home.

这是什么他妈的狗屁话,很明显就是他妈的要挟我们吗?This is word of what fuck nonsense, be fuck coerces us apparently?

飘红约庆图晤面,要挟他协助弟弟解困。Wave red about WuMian kei figure, coerce him assist brother siege.

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忽然有一天,你的儿子居然打算用你的梦想来要挟你!But then one day your son decides to hold your dreams hostage against you.

因此很多受挟持者在面对要挟时,宁愿选择自杀来维护自己的尊严。So those hijacked people would rather commit suicide to save self-respect.

为了逼闻道救自己的命,明德以少林和尚的性命来要挟闻道。In order to save himself forced to smell, mingde to coerce scent in shaolin monks life.

恰巧这一幕被潘红棉看到,便以此要挟子华陷害赵剑。Happened to see this scene is pantone red cotton, framed Zhao Jian blackmailing son China.

魏肯与达西一同长大,在诱拐达西妹妹要挟财产不成后,做了一个军官。Taka Ken and darcy, grew up in abducting darcy sister coerce property fails, made a officer.

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目前面对基地组织提出的要挟条件,法国当局表示回绝。Al-Qaeda is facing threatening conditions put forward by the French authorities that rejected.

以学生作要挟,逼迫范老师接受他们的伪道德,实在是无耻透顶。To coerce students, forcing teachers to accept their Fan pseudo-moral, it is shameful extreme.

山田以史勇的性命作为要挟,邀关威次日单独来史家镇决斗。Yamada in the history of life as a threat to Yong Guan Wei next day alone, town historian duel.

左冷禅欲借令狐冲与任盈盈的关系要挟岳不群。Left cold zen to borrow any relationship with linghu chong ying ying coerce yue not the cluster.

该州的一些保险公司因此要挟那些评级较低的医生,要求提高医生的共同支付费用。Some insurers in the state now charge higher co-pays for doctors who fare poorly in the analysis.

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徐汉元看到袁清拿自己的独苗要挟自己,渐渐地开始向袁清妥协。Xu Hanyuan see Yuan Qing take their only child to coerce, gradually began to Yuan Qing compromise.

因此,利用债务上限要挟获取政治上的让步是在美国政治上出现的一种新情况。So the use of the debt ceiling to extort political concessions is something new in American politics.

我们不怕美国佬的要挟,如果陈厮继续胡说八道,就送他去感化院。We don't fear the American threatening and will send Chen to the reformatory if he goes on twaddling.