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他衣冠楚楚。He is fully dressed.

下一个碰见的人是一个衣冠楚楚的小个子。The next person i met was a neat little man.

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他总是衣冠楚楚,样子挺帅。He was always well-dressed and smart-looking.

一个衣冠楚楚的老仆人开了门。A well-dressed elderly servant opened the door.

他没有变成一个衣冠楚楚,神气十足的城里人。He had not become a trim self-satisfied city man.

他培养了一个衣冠楚楚的形象和地花鼓。He cultivates a dandified image and languid manner.

日前加拿大的记者米奇•莫克斯利就被雇佣成为这样一位衣冠楚楚的白领。Canadian journalist Mitch Moxley was hired to be a guy in the tie.

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他衣冠楚楚,穿着灰色西服、蓝色衬衫,系着一条佩斯利花纹领带。He was elegantly dressed in a grey suit, blue shirt and paisley tie.

也许那时你随意的风格和衣冠楚楚的工作地点不匹配。Maybe your casual style doesn't fly in your buttoned-down workplace.

索比看到雪茄烟店里有一位衣冠楚楚的人正对着火头点烟。In a cigar store he saw a well-dressed man lighting a cigar at a swinging light.

费福昂的父亲,一位86岁,衣冠楚楚的老人,每晚仍会出现在餐厅最显眼的地方。Vifian's father, a dapper 86-year-old, is still very much in evidence every night.

如果我们遇事时,都刚刚洗过澡并打扮得衣冠楚楚,那最好不过。It would be nice if we all went around fresh out of the shower and perfectly dressed.

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那些在厚厚的地毯上来回走动的衣冠楚楚的客人们,把他带回到过去的日子。Well-dressed guests moving to and fro over the thick carpets carried him back to the old days.

但那个年代了,的政客们要打扮得衣冠楚楚才行,推销的个人形象而是的政党。Today, politicians must be well-groomed animals, selling their personalities not their parties.

格林斯基说,两名男子走近他,其中一位是衣衫不整的波兰军官,另一位是衣冠楚楚的英国人。Glinski says two men approached him, one a bedraggled Polish officer, the other a dapper Englishman.

衣冠楚楚的大麻烟客出入烟馆不再藏头露尾、怕人发现。Respectably dressed pot smokers no longer bother to duck out of public sight to pass around a joint.

一些以后,两位衣冠楚楚的绅士找到了他并很有礼貌地邀请他一起散步。Some time later two well- dressed and polite gentlemen come to get him and invite him to follow them.

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当我看到见识浅薄的人衣冠楚楚时,我总是感到遗憾-为衣服。When I see a man of shallow understanding extravagantly clothed, I always feel sorry-for the clothes.

他还是衣冠楚楚,外貌依旧很出众,但是这却带来了造成错觉的麻烦。His clothes were very good and his appearance still excellent, but it involved the trouble of deluding.

他们一见小轿车就截,一见衣冠楚楚的大陆人就拦,拿走他们身上的钞票,当众焚烧。They halted all cars, stopped all well-dressed Chinese, took their money from them and publicly burned it.