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静电消除器“,”Static Electricity Eliminator.

这台静电复印机是新买的。This is a new xerographic printer.

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这一项是静电力的作用。This is electrostatics right here.

祥云静电喷涂设备厂。Xiangyun Static Spray Painting Equip. Co.

可配装除静电装置。Equipped with the device to remove static.

边缘增强是静电复印术的固有特点。Edge enhancement is intrinsic in xerography.

指前因子校正了所有的静电力。The pre-factor embodies all the electrostatics.

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什么是大静电容量微调电容器?。What are large-capacitance Trimmer Capacitors ?

研究了一种弯曲悬臂梁静电执行器。The research is about a curved cantilever actuator.

他又听了听对讲机,里面还是静电干扰声。Trying his walkie-talkie again, he got only static.

他从长凳上起身,一阵静电刺痛了他的眼球,喷泉变成了火山,喷射着彩虹。and the fountain became a volcano spouting rainbows.

它干燥快速,无残留物,静电安全。It dries briskly, leaves no residues and is ESD-safe.

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静电放电在飞船和云层中形成电弧然后消失。Static discharges arced from ship to clouds and back.

触发真空间隙。静电击穿电压50千伏。Triggered vacuum gap. Static breakdown voltage 50 kV.

这就是简单的晶体形成的静电原理。So this is simply the energetics of crystal formation.

研究并选择有关静电保护的新元器件。Study and select the new components of ESD protection.

外观设计适用于自动除静电除尘装置。Apply to automatic de-electrostatic and de-dust device.

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提出了静电净油电压的合理范围。The optimum range of electrostatic voltage is presented.

是否所有对静电敏感的元件均被储存在防静电盒内?。Are all ESD sensitive parts stored in anti-ESD container?

计算公式适用于静电陀螺仪全姿态工作。These formulas are valid for all attitude work of an ESG.