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揉是一种常见的语病。Mixed sentence structure is a common grammar mistake.

复杂定语因其结构复杂,往往容易引起语病。Its complex construction may easily lead to faulty wordings.

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这句话严格说起来,是有语病的。There is something wrong in this sentence, if it is taken strictly.

有人说“我在Google上查了一下,”但发现搜索结果有语病。When people say, “I looked it up on Google,” they are committing a solecism.

我可能在这封信里写了些语病,你能帮我找找么?Maybe I made some mistakes in this letter, can you help me to find these mistakes?

这部分语病出现的原因多是语言运用者不能准确理解语言符号的语义。The cause is language users have not accurately understood the semantic meaning of language symbols.

语病重复是语句结构上的累赘,是应该删除的多余成分。Well, the repeated faulty wording is a wordiness of the sentence structure, which should be deleted.

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目的探讨沟通理论在神经外科失语病人中的运用价值。Objective To investigate the role of communicative theory patterns with aphasia patients in neurosurgery.

语病评判是语言学研究的重要切入点,在语言学研究中具有重要的方法论意义。It's common for coexist of different epistemology, methodology and different dimensions in linguistic studies.

汉语规范化工作的内容是丰富的,不仅仅是一味地指责语病。The content of language normalization is very rich, it is not only to criticize the unstandardized usage of language.

文章遴选一些范例译文,并就具体语病加以分析、论证。This paper attempts to point out the typical errors in some model versions, then analyse, expound and prove these faults.

在来稿中不少稿件标题不确切,摘要、提要混淆,句子有语病。Many titles in the contributions fail to be precise, abstracts are treated as guidelines, sentences do not conform to publication standard, etc.

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我们训练我们的耳朵去听例会的「每日一字」单元、填充字汇、动词语病、形容用语、及演讲者灵巧运用的句子转折。We train our ears to hear the Word of the Day, filler words, verbal viruses, descriptive language and brilliant turns-of-phrase that speakers use.

文章针对这类语病产生的原因作了相应的分析,并期望运用语言的人们能够尽可能地纠正语病,尤其希望正规的出版物中少出现乃至不出现这类的失误。In fact, it is a mistake. The reason to the mistake is analyzed, in hope that the mistake will not appear in the oral Chinese and formal publications.

第二章语义平面的语病分为搭配不当、语义重复、语义歧义、语义含混、语义矛盾等。Semantic faulty wording or formulation includes discollocation, duplicated semantics, semantic ambiguity, semantic indistinct, and semantic contradictory.

比亚里斯托克说,老年痴呆症导致的生理变化,在单一语言病患和双语病患之间,可能相同。According to Bialystok, the physical changes that Alzheimer's causes in the brain could be the same for both a monolingual patient and a bilingual patient.

对此,我们要制定出切实可行的防病、纠病措施,缩短语病的僵化持续时间,避免语言错误的永久内化。Accordingly, practical measures to prevent or correct errors should be taken so as to shorten the duration of stabilized errors and avoid their permanent fossilization.

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双语病人被家人发现有记忆问题,或者被送到医院诊断治疗时的年龄比单语病人要晚四年。Bilingual patients were, on average, four years older than single-language speakers when their families first noticed memory problems, or when the patient first came to the clinic seeking treatment.