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铺轨一队队长赵宪辉说。Laying a captain Zhaoxian Hui said.

铺轨从早上8点钟开始,至晚上10点钟结束,用时14个小时。Laying started from 8 am to 10 pm over 14 hours with time.

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走行控制系统为铺轨机组的重要组成部分之一。The system of running control is vital composition of tracklayer.

对铺轨机行走液压驱动控制技术进行了研究。Control technology of track-laying machines hydraulic drive system was studied.

按照计画,首先要著手进行整个城市铺轨的细部设计。As part of the plan, they had to begin with the engineering design for the tracks throughout the city.

作者在实践中,经过反复研究,设计制造了这种小型铺轨机具。In the course of construction practice, the author has developed a small kind of track-laying apparatus.

长钢轨铺轨机组作为跨区间无缝线路施工中的关键设备,具备广阔的应用前景。The long track construction machine is a key engineering machine in this type of the railway construction.

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后期徐变变形指铺轨后由收缩徐变和预应力损失引起的桥梁的线形改变。The post creep deformation is the change of the bridge shape caused by shrinkage and creep of concrete and loss of prestress.

铺轨机走行液压系统控制重点在于行走恒速控制和行走同步性控制。The emphases of the running hydraulic system in track-laying machine are the constant speed control and running synchronization control.

本文对PG28型铺轨机的某些设计问题进行了分析和研究,并提出了改进措施。The authors analyze and study several problems concerned with the design of the PG28 rail laying machine, and propose the corresponding improvement measures.

本文介绍一种计算铺轨架桥工期的方法,将一些因素数量化,有一定参考价值。The paper introduces a method of calculating the time limit for track laying and bridge erecting engineering project, in which several factors are quantized.

每组铺轨时间从原来的50分钟缩短到现在的25分钟,各工种、工序间的配合已达到最佳状态。Laying each time shortened from the original 50 minutes to 25 minutes now, all types of work, coordination between production processes have been at their best.

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虽然被称作做“立体快巴”,华世的这个发明和火车却在许多方面都存在相似,但它既不需要铺轨也不需要大量的隧道。Though it is called the “straddling bus,” Huashi's invention resembles a train in many respects — but it requires neither elevated tracks nor extensive tunneling.

在旧线改造或新建的地方专用铁路施工中,由于铺轨量不大,以往大多采用手工作业方式。In the rehabilitation of old railroad line and the construction of local special railways, track-laying is usually done manually due to the limited amount of work.

虽然被称作做“立体快巴”,华世的这个发明和火车却在许多方面都存在相似,但它既不需要铺轨也不需要大量的隧道。Though it is called the "straddling bus, " Huashi's invention resembles a train in many respects — but it requires neither elevated tracks nor extensive tunneling.

本论文针对其走行系统的要求,进行了新型铺轨机组走行系统液压系统设计、液压系统控制技术研究以及对走行液压控制系统模拟仿真。The main content of this paper is the hydraulic system of the machine running department, the research of the control system and the simulation of the running hydraulic control system.

中医药是我国原创性的医学,我们只有大力向国外铺轨,将中医理法方药传播出去,中医药才能被全世界所认同。Chinese medicine is China's originality of the medicine, we have only vigorously to the track laying abroad, Chinese herbs Lifa spread, Chinese medicine can be recognized by the whole world.