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一切都莫名其妙地相安无事,从这儿可以得到一个教训。Somehow it all works, and there is a lesson here.

但是,总统的角色与统帅的职责无法相安无事。But the president's role as commander in chief cut two ways.

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之后也只是开除了一个涉事的合同工,其他人相安无事。After just fired a involved the contract, others that peaceful.

在大人物打仗的时候,这些小人物却相安无事。The little guys got along just fine while the big guys were fighting.

卜拉欣在曼苏尔的街区曾经混住着孙尼派和什叶派,大家和平共处,相安无事。Brahim's block in Mansour was once a comfortable mix of Sunni and Shiite.

相安无事的一个周刚过,早前被微软控告的摩托罗拉就在这个月起诉了苹果。Apple this month, having itself been sued by Microsoft a few days earlier.

母女住在一起很少能相安无事的,她们几乎总是争来吵去的。Very few mothers and daughters can live together, they nearly always quarrel.

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另一方面,沙鼠相配,相伴终生,相安无事地一起抚养崽子。Gerbils, on the other hand, mate for life and raise babies peaceably together.

金子和玻璃相安无事,特定环境下它们互相吸引。Gold and glass get along well enough and under the right circumstances will attract.

从前,世界各地使用基于太阳的地方时,一切都相安无事。Once upon a time the world got along quite happily with local time based on the sun.

这些幼虫能看到、闻到它们周围的敌人,但是其实彼此还是被水中的容器间隔着,相安无事。The larvae could see and smell their hunters—but were kept safe by underwater cages.

我的室友有许多惹人讨厌的习惯,但是为了相安无事,我能…My room-mate has many irritating habits but I just live and let live to keep the peace.

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经济好的时候,大家都有工作做,相安无事,天下太平。When times are good and everyone has a job, people can live with each other peacefully.

这一类判断很难与暗示月球干燥无水的氯元素分析相安无事。Such estimates are hard to reconcile with the new chlorine work suggesting a bone-dry moon.

许多未婚男女同居多年相安无事,一旦结了婚,结果是日吵夜吵,吵个没完。Many unwed couples who cohabit peacefully for years wind up fighting night and day once they marry.

崔珉宇订下了三条规矩,让卞智淑遵守,否则他不能保证能跟卞智淑相安无事的生活。Down the three rules Cui Min yu, let BianZhiShu comply, otherwise he cannot guarantee to BianZhiShu peaceful life.

现在,他和自己的女友艾丽卡生活在维也纳,一切都相安无事,仿佛他过去的那种生活从来没有发生过一样。Now, he and his girlfriend, Elektra lives in Vienna, all are at peace, as if his past life that has never happened.

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“那么,四点钟的时候,这位相安无事的先生就要来啦,”班纳特先生一边把信折好,一边说。"At four o'clock, therefore, we may expect this peacemaking gentleman, " said Mr. Bennet, as he folded up the letter.

科学家们说,这个发现有助于解释如此多种类的兰花是如何发展,并且一起生长能相安无事。The scientists say the findings help explain how so many species of orchids developed, and can exist so close together.

唐初忙于统一全国,无暇顾及西南的经营,与南诏保持着相安无事的局面。In the early Tang Dynasty, the emperor was so busy integrating the country that the operation of the Southwest was ignored.