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机油再流下来回到油盘。The oil drains off and runs down into the pan.

油盘通常用的薄钢板冲压制成。The oil pan is usually formed of pressed steel.

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依其设计不同,油盘的容量通常由5到10升不等。It usually holds 5 to10 litres of oil, depending on the engine design.

依其不同的发动机,油盘的容量通常从5到10升不等。It usually holds 5 to 10 liters of oil, depending on the engine design.

对CA151型汽车制动鼓挡油盘拉延成型工艺进行了探讨。Drawing process for shaping the brake drum oil shield of truck CA151 has been deliberated.

选取了几组缸体与配油盘进行对比实验。Choose several group cylinder block with mix oil record go on experiment of comparing with.

油泵体、主动轮、面板、倒缝操纵杆、上盖、油盘等零件。P ump machine, driving wheel, panel, the operating rod of reverse stitching, top head, oil pan and so on.

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在飞溅润滑系统中,油从机体下部的油盘或油底壳中飞溅上来。In the splash lubricatIng system, oil is splashed up from the oil pan or oil trays In the lower part of the crankcase.

第三章对现有的灭火实验室2B油盘火从点燃到稳态燃烧进行了数值模拟,确定FDS软件使用中的最优参数设置。In chapter 3, numerical simulation of 2B pool fire from ignition to steady combustion, fix on the best parameter in FDS.

本文介绍了对轴向柱塞泵配油盘进行有限元分析的方法和结果。The procedure and results of a finite element analysis on the oil distributing plate of an axial piston pump are introduced.

分析结果表明,配油盘的强度满足设计要求,但配油盘表面变形较大,远远超过配油盘的平面度要求。The results show that the plate strength meets design requirement. The plate surface distortion however, exceeds flatness specification.

文中还根据配油盘表面的磨损形貌,找出了合理选择配油副材料的依据。In the light of surface morphology of oil-distributing pair a criterion for selection of optimum material of oil-distributing pair is found.

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轴承内侧装设的甩油盘就是借离心作用将可能进入轴承内部的油甩掉,起到密封的作用。Bearing off the inside of oil pan installed by the centrifugal effect is likely to enter the oil off the internal bearings, seals play a role.

比如,可以向被服务方说明设置接油盘、灭火器、操作现场配合等的必要性及有关要求。For example, to be able to service side note set drip pan, fire extinguishers, operating the site with the necessity and the relevant requirements.

我翻译如下——应该通过指定流速下的泡沫采集量测定每个喷嘴设计的有效覆盖面积,该面积在布满指定覆盖面积的已知尺度的油盘里。Areas of effective coverage for each nozzle design shall be measured by foam collection at the specified flow rate, in known size pans throughout the specified coverage area.

整体油盘之燃烧以及烟罩黑烟之收集受到很多因素之影响,尤其是油盘放置之高度最为重要。Although there are quite a few factors for the poor performance, one of the most important factors influencing the suction was found to be the distance from the burning specimen to the hood.