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一位信心伟人被一个异教君王下了逐客令!A man of faith was asked to leave by a heathen king!

很快,他就开始挖苦我,然后下了逐客令。He grew sarcastic very quickly and asked me to leave.

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他对我的道歉连听也不听便下逐客令。He wouldn't listen to my apology and showed me the door.

在印度的大多数共·产·党人接受了来自中国的逐客令。Most communists in India take their marching orders from China.

整个周末我们强忍住未向他下逐客令。We bit our tongues the entire weekend to keep from telling him where to go!

云狂察觉出吕庄主在下逐客令,有些不满。Cloud crazy detected a Lord LvZhuang next marching orders, some dissatisfaction.

我问他们要待多久,他们说两个星期,然后,那位母亲又笑着说,在儿子不提前下逐客令的情况下是两个星期。Then the woman smiled and said that it would be two weeks—unless their son sent them home sooner.

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一月份,当主教来做弥撒,并试图给教区下逐客令时,骚动随之而起。Uproar ensued in January when the bishop came to mass and tried to give the priest his marching orders.

老总被热情过度的邱莹莹吓坏,脸上生起不悦欲向邱莹莹下逐客令。Boss terrified by excessive enthusiasm Qiu Yingying, face up displeasure to Qiu Yingying marching orders.

一些分析人士怀疑韩德胜未能售出瑞典的萨博汽车公司可能迫使董事会下了逐客令。Some analysts wondered if Henderson's inability to sell Swedish unit Saab may have forced the board to show him the door.

欧洲把她当作异己分子,而英国已经对她下了逐客令。啊,接待这个逃亡者,及时地为人类准备一个避难所吧!Europe regards her like a stranger, andEnglandhath given her warning to depart. 0 receive the fugitive, and prepare in time an asylum for mankind.

他可忍受不了波比吉太太,所以卡森夫人一直在琢磨如何体面而不伤和气地下逐客令。Carson would be home from work soon. He couldn t stand Mrs. Burbidge. So Mrs. Carson kept wondering how she could persuade Mrs. Burbidge to leave without offending her.

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这之后发生的事,就如我们读到的,亚伯拉罕为了保护自己而撒谎,最终导致法老下逐客令,送他们离开。Then followed the sad story of deceit and self interest on Abraham's part which you have just read. Finally Pharaoh asked his police force to escort Abraham out of the country.