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工人享受公费医疗。Workers enjoy free medical care.

我们中国公民享受公费医疗。We Chinese enjoy free medical care.

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还是他妻子让他去公费旅游?。Or did his wife send him on a junket?

他们是公费派赴留学的。They are sent abroad on scholarships.

享受公费医疗的待遇。Workers shall enjoy free medical treatment.

他从来没有公费旅游过。He has never taken a government-paid junket.

去年警告公费观光旅游。Last year, sightseeing tours at public expense.

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第三十条军官享受公费医疗待遇。Article 30 Officers shall enjoy free medical care.

独生子女享受公费医疗。The single child of a couple enjoys free medical care.

法学硕士有公费也有自费。Law Master also has at public expense at one's own expenses.

我希望我能被派到国外公费留学。I wish I could be sent abroad to study at government expense.

江大大多都是公费,所以生源还是不错的。Great River mostly at public expense, so new students is good.

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该机构认为这些教练的美国之旅远远不只是轻松的公费旅游。A. that saw the coaches' trips as much more than relaxed junkets.

我希望我能被派到国外公费留学。I wish I could be sent abroad to study at the Government's expense.

并且每年为员工提供公费出国参观考察的机会。We also provide opportunities to visit and learn abroad every year.

我们已经带着这部电影走遍了全国,还顺便公费旅游了。We have been touring around the country and doing junkets for the film.

另外一个变化就是公费医疗所涵盖的越来越少。Another change is that medical expenses are being covered less and less.

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答案似乎应该是大量的交流探讨和古怪的公费旅游。The answer seems to be a lot of time spent talking-as well as the odd junket.

并且,当然了,你也要告别用公费在星期五购买面包和咖啡的日子了。And, naturally, you can bid adieu to Friday bagels and coffee on the company's dime.

在未得到公司授权情况下,不得以公费进行宴请活动。No junketing activity would be conducted on official expenses without permission of the company.