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但是小马队赢了吗?Yeah but uh the colts won?

训练有素的马队斜步行进表演马戏。The trained horses sashayed to perform.

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王宫广场上有马队。There was cavalry on the Place du Palais-Royal.

母亲经营着有四队马队的农场。Her mother drove the farm’s four teams of horses.

清代马政则为马队营制之基础。Horse administration was the basis of cavalry troop.

他说这就像一组没有经过训练的马队,它们中很难有两匹马为了同一目标而同时向一个方向使劲。He said they were like a poorly trained team of horses.

伊内斯塞恩斯与马队的进攻路线的朋友!Ines Sainz makes friends with the Colts Offensive line!

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看着远去的马队,他显得更加镇定自若。He had watched the passing of the horses with more sangfroid.

计时器上的时间一直在走,小马队从己方底线14码处开球。With the clock ticking, the Colts began from their own 14-yard line.

或者在松潘住一晚,早上包车直接到卡卡沟与马队汇合。Then we rent a car to KaKaRavine and join the horse team in the next morning.

医生告诉我他恢复的很好,马队,赛鸟,卡哈和小卡卡也一样。The doctors tell me he's doing well, as do Maldini, Serginho, Kaladze, and Digao.

弟媳接受了人们把他当做马队的接班人。Thiago Silva accepts he is the successor at AC Milan to club legend Paolo Maldini.

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星期日新英格兰爱国者队再次获胜,接下来将迎战印第安纳波利斯小马队。The New England Patriots held on to win Sunday and will face Indianapolis Colts next.

有马队的人会钓上来吃,但是建议不要垂钓,因为少,而且也是一道风景。But the fish is rare, precious and can also be a scene, it is advised to stop fishing.

迪吉召集了一支伊渥克马队,前往哥拉克斯人所在的贫瘠嶙峋的荒原。Deej organized a caravan of Ewoks to voyage to the barren, rocky landscape of the Gorax.

福瑞尼在效力于小马队的前五个赛季总共完成了56.5次擒杀和27次迫使对方丢球。Freeney has 56?sacks and forced 27 fumbles during his first five seasons with the Colts.

只有瑞士的驯马队因为顾虑到天气情况退出比赛。Only the Swiss dressage team pulled out because of concerns about the weather conditions.

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新英国爱国者队星期六又一次获胜,接着他们将面对印第安纳波利斯小马队。The New England Patriots held on to win Sunday and will face the Indianapolis Colts next.

重新振作的队员们最终决定性的将广受喜爱的印第安纳波利斯小马队以31-17击败。The re-energized Saints went on to decisively beat the favored Indianapolis Colts, 31-17.

马队的每一个成员都从洛格雷手里得到了一件特殊的物品。这些物品能在征途中帮助他们。Logray gave each member of the caravan a special item that would help them in their quest.