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他们掘蚯蚓做钓饵。They dug worms for bait.

把蚯蚓装在鱼钩上作为钓饵。Bait your hook with a worm.

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母鸡扒出了一条蚯蚓。The hen raked up an earthworm.

蚯蚓很多,很容易挖到。Many earthworms, it is easy dug.

你可以做什么用蚯蚓?What can you do with earthworms?

蚯蚓可以用来做什么?What can you do with earthworms?

蝮舌如叉蚯蚓刺。Adders fork, and blind-worms sting.

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他踩死了蚯蚓。He trampled the earthworm to death.

我们把剩下的蚯蚓放了吧。Let's set the left earth worms free.

蚯蚓是陆生的生物。An earthworm is a terricolous organism.

母鸡扒出了一条蚯蚓。An earthworm is a terricolous organism.

1492年之前,蚯蚓在北美大陆的数量为0Earthworms in North America before 1492

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蝇的幼虫寄生在蚯蚓上。The larvae of flies parasitize earthworms.

蚯蚓逃命,水蛇上岸。Earthworm escape, water snakes come ashore.

蚯蚓如何影响土壤肥力?。How do earthworms influence soil fertility?

服蚯蚓可治疗阳萎。Earthworms have been eaten to cure impotency.

不不,蚯蚓钻的没有这么小。No, no, no drilling such a small by earthworm.

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蚯蚓便开始扭动着钻下去。The worms will start to wiggle their way down.

蚯蚓取食时丢弃了较细的颗粒。Worms reject the finer particles when feeding.

蚯蚓被用于妊娠反应试验。Earthworms have been used in testing pregnancy.