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我们把校徽别在外套上。We wear the school badge on our coats.

每个学生都应该佩带校徽。Every student should carry a school badge.

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诺丁汉大学的校徽在历史上几经变更。Nottingham has used several logos throughout its history.

然后,第二名研究人员给每名大学生派发一支印有大学校徽的钢笔。Afterward, the second researcher handed out pens with the University logo on them.

大学校徽在形式上是象,在内容上是意。The school emblem of university is images in the formality and ideas on the contents.

着重从方法与策略层面对国内高校校徽设计进行探讨。It discussed the badge design of domestic universities from method and level of strategy.

校徽的等边三角形是用来表达天主、个人及近邻的关系。The equilateral triangle expresses the true relationship between self, God, and neighbour.

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经形构结果与认知的交互比对可得到一个完整的校徽。After comparison of form construction result and cognition may obtain a complete school badge.

我还注意到鲁迅先生当年为北京大学设计的校徽今天依然在使用。I would also note that Lu Xun’s design for the school crest of Peking University is still in use.

中国国旗还有学校校徽,剩下的就不会翻译了,大概是戴白手套的同学站还有队伍。中国人很明白怎样去整理视觉。The Chinese flag, the school logo, the white gloves and the lines. The Chinese sure know how to manage their spectacles.

爱的力量终于使我考入了区党校,圆了我再戴校徽,重游学海的美梦。The power of love that I finally admitted to the Party School District, a round of the I-school badge, the dream of re-Tour Xuehai.

杨总领事表示他将在同州长会晤时佩戴此校徽以提醒他明大同中国的良好关系。Yang indicated he would wear it to his meeting with the governor to remind him of the strong relationship between the University and China.

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留学生在办理所有入学手续并接受入学教育后,可以到留学生处管理办公室领取学生证和校徽。After the enrollment procedure and the orientation meeting, international students may collect your identification card and the school badge at ISD.

后来校徽的发展更趋简洁,抽象化的诺丁汉城堡加上外围“诺丁汉大学“字样的设计被沿用下来。Later, Nottingham adopted a simpler logo, in which a stylised version of Nottingham Castle was surrounded by the text "The University of Nottingham".

最初的校徽是一个盾形的纹章,上面有十字、书和塔等图案,该标志现在还能在大学所属的各个图书馆收藏的书中找到。Initially, Nottingham's coat of arms with the cross, book, and towers was used and is still used in books owned by the university's various libraries.

本文借用自然科学领域的谱系学方法,对中外大学校徽做谱系学分析。Adopting the genealogical methods used in science research, this paper attempts to make a genealogical analysis of the badges of Chinese and foreign universities.

对多数人来说,狼獾作为独特设计的密歇根大学校徽的灵感和一名X战警的名字而出名。For most people the wolverine is best known as an inspiration for the distinctive design of the University of Michigan logo and as the name of an X-Men character.

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典礼当中,商学院院长何顺文教授向每位大使颁发刻有校徽和学生姓名的金色襟章。In the ceremony, Prof. Simon Ho, Dean of School of Business presented to each ambassador a unique golden badge which bears the school logo and the name of the student.

其中以东部及外岛的学校最常运用地域特色融和学校精神,受地区影响的校徽仅有11所。The schools at eastern part and outside the island mostly use regional characteristics and school spiritual elements, the school badges with the regional influence only 11.

校徽以杏黄色方形为衬底,中间以枫叶和长城拼合成的图案构成,象征着中加文化的交融。The college badge takes the yellow rectangle as the background. The red Maple Leaf and the Great Wall in the middle of the badgerepresents the blending of Chinese and Canadian cultures.