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巨大的讽刺。Heavy sarcasm.

这是一个巨大的转折。It is a mass turn.

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你巨大的支气管!You great Bronchus!

渡边靖说,“这是一个巨大的错误。It was a big mistake.

但地铁的需求量巨大。But the need is great.

这是个巨大的错误。It was a huge mistake.

这个变化是巨大的。This variation is huge.

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灾民的需求是巨大的。And, the needs are vast.

巨大的响声震耳欲聋。The sound was deafening.

血从巨大的伤口涌出,没有人能止住。Blood oozes from a wound.

他还有巨大的财产。He also had big property.

高速增长的代价是巨大的。Hypergrowth is expensive.

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它的影响可能是巨大的。Its impact could be huge.

封印巨大念力土偶!!Seal the Giant Nendoll! !

这是一个巨大的转变。That's a huge turnaround.

配音是个巨大工程。The voice acting is huge.

这都是些规模巨大的行业These are big industries.

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臂力刚强的巨大肩膀。City of the Big Shoulders.

他沉浸在巨大的欢乐之中。He is in immeasurable joy.

看起来象是一颗巨大的蛋。It looks like a giant egg.