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两者不可偏废。Neither can be neglected.

换句话说,你必须两手都要抓,产品和促销不可偏废。In other words, you have to have both. Product and promotion.

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二者不可偏废。Neither should be overemphasized at the expense of the other.

集体领导和个人负责,二者不可偏废。Equal emphasis should be placed on collective leadership and individual responsibility.

司法公正涵括了程序公正和实体公正两层涵义,两者辩证统一、不可偏废。Judiciary justice involves procedure justice and result justice. They are dialectical unity.

因此,学思应当有机结合,不可偏废。Therefore, learning and reflection should be integrated and neither should be overemphasized.

科技始终来自于人性,专业与人文素养实为一体两面,不可偏废。Technology always comes from human nature. It is not separated between profession and humanism.

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在英、汉双语教学过程中,英语和汉语作为媒介语言的地位是并重的,二者不可偏废。According to this method, both English and Chinese can be used in the course of teaching a subject.

依法治国和以德治国都是治理国家的基本方略,二者相辅相成,不可偏废。Rule by law and rule by virtue are mutually complementary as the basic strategy of governing a state.

对一个国家的治理来说,法治与德治从来都是相辅相成、相互促进的,二者缺一不可,不可偏废。To manage a nation law and moral are reliant and simulative each other. They cannot do one thing and neglect another.

教学中,要注重发挥学生的主体作用和教师主导作用,二者相辅相成,不可偏废。Furthermore, attention must be paid to highly developing students' leading role and teachers' guiding role during teaching.

诉讼的公正性,就是要既保护被告人的合法权益,又保护被害人的合法权利,两者不可偏废。The justice of prosecution is not only to protect the legal rights of the accused but also those of the victim without bias.

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一日三餐不可偏废,家人朋友又岂能怠慢冷落?一切皆有其时,须因时而动,不可悖谬自然之节拍。Don't try to impose an unnatural rhythm on the day by skipping meals or working when you should be with your family and friends.

本科生导师制在实践中能否取得满意的效果,学校、教师、学生三者的作用不可偏废。Whether the advisor institution can be successful, all the aspects including universities, teachers and students should be considered.

婚姻自由包括结婚自由和离婚自由,二者不可偏废,共同构成了婚姻自由的完整内容。Freedom of marriage includes freedom of both marriage and divorce, which coexist and constitute the whole content of freedom of marriage.

笔者认为,形式推理和实质推理两者不可偏废,只有两者相结合才能构建完善科学的司法体系。The author thought that, both the form and real reasoning are indispensable, only the combination can build a sound scientific judicial system.

一个合理编列的课程表,犹如一个营养均衡的食谱,里面各个项目都是有益而必须的,不可偏废,不可再有选择。A rationally arranged syllabus is like a nutritiously balanced recipe. Each item of the syllabus is beneficial and compulsory and can not be ignored.

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其实,课内阅读和课外阅读是阅读教学的两条腿,二者是不可偏废的。Actually, in the class reading and the outside reading are read the teaching two legs, the two may not emphasize one thing at the expense of another.

笔者以为,自由与责任自古以来紧密相连,新时期“以人为本”的治国理念更是强调二者不可偏废。In my opinion, the personal freedom and the social responsibility contact closely since ancient times, and can't be neglected in the age of "anthropocentrism".

逆向思维与正向思维协同并用,事后分析转化为事先分析,构成科学技术研究活动和科技发展的全过程,两者不可偏废。It is necessary to utilize the both thinking methods simultaneously and convert the afterwards analysis to the prior one for the development of science and technology.