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我们63路车是南北行驶的。No. 63 runs only north and south.

南北两极是地球的眼睛。North and south poles is Earth's eye.

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第18副,东家发排,南北有局。Board 18. Dealer East. North-South vul.

南北双方形成了剑拔弩张的紧张局势。The North and South were at loggerheads.

那个体育场是南北走向。The stadium is oriented south and north.

南北关系降至冰点。North-South relations seem in a tailspin.

我们强烈要求南北对话。We raise an outcry for north-south dialogue.

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这个水库南北足有5公里。This reservoir extends a good five kilometres.

萧关古道,南北贯穿。Xiaoguan Pass Road, north-south cross-cutting.

痛诉种种南北婚姻的不调和!The variety of civil marriage pain v dissonance!

南北送爸爸回去时刚好碰到米蓝。North and south to send dad just meters back blue.

街区的南北两侧,汽车都被一座座雪堆所掩埋。Up and down the block, cars were buried in drifts.

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促进对话,努力改善南北关系。Enhance dialogue and improve North-South relations.

南北卡罗莱纳州在1729年之前还是一个殖民地。North and South Carolina were one colony until 1729.

一江南北,消磨多少豪杰。North and south of the River How many warriors died!

朝鲜半岛南北双方至今举行过两次首脑会谈,第一次是在2000年,第二次在2007年。The first came in 2000. The second was held in 2007.

我们南北之间有分歧。we are kind of split amongst the north and the south.

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三层上南北间有天桥通连。The three bridges between the north-south connections.

第四,推进南北对话与合作。Fourth, to promote North-South dialogue and cooperation.

其过厅有一条狭窄的南北通道。Office of the cross there is a narrow north-south route.