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明暗反差大是照片的大敌。Contrast is your enemy.

南非是一个充满反差的国家。South Africa is a land of contrasts.

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虎头蛇尾。把大山搬到老鼠前面,反差更甚。The mountain has brought forth a mouse.

那种表里反差强烈的男人,也许是善于心计的。That list of contrast men, maybe good at calculation.

欧洲与亚洲的反差大得几乎不能再大了。The contrast with Asia could hardly be more dramatic.

白色在白色上面是没有反差,你看不到任何东西。White on white is no contrast – you can’t see anything.

临时针迹的缝线颜色应与面料的颜色稍有反差。Temporary thread should contrast slightly in color with the fabric.

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为什么宋元器形会有这么大反差?Why Song, Yuan, there will be such a big contrast between the shapes?

你还需要在镜头上加一块深红色的滤光镜来提高反差。You have to put a deep red filter on the lens to increase the contrast.

拆借交易表现仍然不活跃,与回购交易形成明显的反差。In contrast with repo, the interbank funding still performed inactively.

城市的优美造型和传统的古雅情趣突出了香港的种种反差。Urban sleekness and traditional quaintness highlight the contrasts of Hong Kong.

大多情况下我会准备一点不那么强反差的图进行最后有效的编辑。In most cases I prepare a little bit less contrasty images for effective editing.

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将其与黑暗对比,你会感到强烈的反差,从而产生街灯光芒的效果。By contrasting it with darks you get a strong contrast thus the illusion of light.

这一反差并不能以两州之主要城市的区位环境来作出解释。This contrast can’t be explained by the geography of the two states’ major cities.

德斯礼和伟大的智慧的老师邓不利多成了鲜明的反差。This puts Vernon Dursley in sharp contrast to the wise teacher , Albus Dumbledore.

高反差彩色相纸是目前通用优质负一正彩色相纸。The high-contrast colour paper is commonHgh-quality negative-positive colour paper.

人以群分,反差太大,不容易吸引对方。Birds of a feather may flock together but opposites don't really attract each other.

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以反差强烈的色彩渲染画面,突出主题。I use the strong contrast of the color to romance the picture and extrude the subject.

反差倒转换图象是扫描电子显微镜能观察到的一种图象。The inverse contrast image is an image observed by the scanning electronic microscope.

本文还对刘挚在党争中存在的观念与行为的反差现象进行了分析。This article also analyse Liu Zhi'sdifferent idea and behavior in the cliquey conflict.