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精虫朝未受精的卵子冲去。Sperm race towards the unfertilized egg.

它们通常是人工受精。They are typically artificially inseminated.

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自体受精不能分离纯合的生理小种。Homozygous races do not segregate on selfing.

然而只有一个精子会让卵细胞受精。It takes only one sperm to fertilize the egg.

但受精指数仍然较低,很难获得回交种子。So it was difficult to obtain seeds by backcross.

齿蕊十大功劳属珠孔受精。The fertilization of Mahonia leveilleana Schneid.

成千上万的精子试图是卵细胞受精。Numerous sperm trying to to fertilise a human egg.

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他是通过匿名精子捐赠者受精。He was inseminated using sperm from an anonymous donor.

动物的雌配子,既未受精的卵细胞。In animals, a female gamete, an unfertilized① egg-cell.

授粉后6天开始出现双受精作用。Fertilization started at the 6th days after pollination.

这可说不通,因为所有的卵都已经受精了。This made no sense. All the eggs are fertilized already.

双受精过程属有丝分裂前配子融合类型。Double fertilization is the type of the Premitotic syngamy.

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双受精作用属于有丝分裂前配子融合类型。The double fertilization is the type of Premitotic syngamy.

双受精后,胚乳发育为核型。The endosperm develops into nuclear type after fecundation.

接下来,实验室会数一数有几个卵子,并进行受精。Then, the eggs are counted and inseminated in a laboratory.

受精时间大概和精子存活时间一样长。Fertilization is possible as long as the sperm remain alive.

在卵受精后第1天和第4天分别到达囊胚期和原肠期。Blastula and gastrulae arrived 1 and 4 d after fertilization.

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体外受精,能产生自由活动的浮浪幼虫。Fertilization is external, producing free-living planula larva.

玉米双受精属于有丝分裂前配子融合的类型。The double fertilization is the type of the premitotic syngamy.

在北京地区,克鲁兹王莲自花受精能够产生种子。The flowers, if self-pollinated, produce seeds in Beijing area.