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你说所有的这些都显而易见。All of this is obvious, you say.

但是这显而易见是无耻的!But this is surely dishonorable!

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这就引出了一个显而易见的问题.And it begs the obvious question.

两种趋势都在鄂尔多斯显而易见。Both trends are apparent at Ordos.

显而易见,性行为对于男性来说正变的越来越廉价。Yes, sex is clearly cheap for men.

我们把最显而易见的放在最后。We saved the most obvious for last.

这在表面上看起来不那么显而易见。Well, it's apparently not so obvious.

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这是你价值的证明,它将是显而易见的。The proof of your value will be obvious.

模板化的typedef是个显而易见的例子。An obvious example is templated typedefs.

显而易见,有不同的指示标志。Notably there are different indicators.

金圣叹的评点对后人的影响也是显而易见的。The influence of he to posterity is clear.

有些很寻常的想法其实不那么显而易见。Some very obvious ideas are not so obvious.

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没准备好的同学都显而易见。The less well-prepared students is obvious.

今天,传统性的周期仍显而易见。The traditional cycle is still in evidence.

该关闭的第八洞发球台的挑战是显而易见的。The challenge off the eighth tee is evident.

这听起来显而易见,但却很少发生。As obvious as it sounds, this rarely happens.

内联有两个显而易见的应用。There are two obvious applications of Inline.

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它们如在你面前那般显而易见。They're kind of staring in your face obvious.

这样问题就显而易见了The answer to that ought to be pretty obvious.

显而易见的死亡边涯,我在那儿,想要沉沦的人儿。Of obvious death, where I, who thought to sink.