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云﹕为左今日的特辑呢﹐我专登找左阿梅姐呢…For today's special program, I purposely found Mui Jei.

在2005年他们出版发行第二张特辑“安科拉”。Their second album, Ancora, was released in November 2005.

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你想在这个特辑看到一个变形金刚3预告片?Do you want to see a Transformers 3 Trailer on this Featurette?

致富系列是一套八集,每集一分钟的电视特辑。The Wealth Creation Series is a series of 8 one-minute episodes.

除特辑外,每集节目长度约为20多分钟,节目中将由一名喜剧演员演出一段即兴喜剧。Each Episode Features A 20-Minute Stand-Up Comedy Set By A Different Comedian.

你们中的大多数已经享有一定的堕落东部特辑最后一次复仇。Most of you must have enjoyed the Revenge Of The Fallen ET Featurette last time.

我们一知道了新歌和特辑的发布时间,就会告诉你。We will let you know when the songs and the specials will be released when we know.

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这一集比去年那个“在火星上的维多利亚生活只是一个梦”的圣诞特辑好吗?Is it better than the previous one, last year's Victorian-Life-On-Mars-it-was-all-a-dream story?

一连八集的电视特辑,以深入浅出的手法探讨不同范畴的知识产权问题。An eight-episode TV documentary series examining the various aspects of intellectual property rights.

“成为路易斯·莱恩”特辑访谈诺尔·尼尔,马戈特·基德尔,丹娜·德莱尼和埃里卡·乔杰斯。"Being Lois Lane" featuring interviews with Noel Neill, Margot Kidder, Dana Delaney and Erica Durance.

在我们的独立日特辑系列里,一位技术专家总结了印度的两面性,并笑言有趣的一面。In our special Independence Day series, a technocrat sums up India's dichotomy, and laughs at its funny side.

该乐队发行首张特辑,在全世界范围内销量达5百万张,雄踞13个国家的音乐排行榜之首。The group's first album sold more than 5 million copies worldwide. It topped the music charts in 13 counties.

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也有巡回展的表演者的纪念品,致敬音乐会和电视特辑的计划。There are also plans for a traveling exhibition of the performer's memorabilia, a tribute concert and a television special.

少数人为了电影-盖伊·汉米尔顿,迈克尔·凯恩,苏珊娜·约克,克里斯托弗·普卢默,伯纳德·威廉斯的幕后特辑。Film For The Few – Making of featurette with Guy Hamilton, Michael Caine, Susannah York, Christopher Plummer and Bernard Williams.

观看任何制作特辑、幕后镜头、纪录片,或工作室成员的采访——他们绝对喜爱在那里工作。Watch any making-of, behind-the-scenes footage, documentary, or interviews with members of the studio – they absolutely love working there.

评论特辑联合制片赫伯特·科尔曼,修复小组罗伯特·艾·哈里斯和詹姆斯·C。凯兹和其他恐高症患者。Feature Commentary with Associate Producer Herbert Coleman, Restoration Team Robert A. Harris and James C. Katz and Other Vertigo Participants.

在奥运特辑中,发现她原来也有高山山羊的基因,结果她就超越沸羊羊成为羊村最强壮的羊了。She is revealed in the Olympics special to possess mountain goat genes, effectively making her the strongest goat in Goat Village above Fit Goat.

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他将自己爱好的天文和摄影相结合,物理研究生Laurent在他法国家乡附近的海滩上创作了这个名为“月亮游戏”的特辑。Combining his love for astronomy and photography, physics graduate Laurent created the collection called "Moon Games" on a beach near his home in France.

好的计画与活动相片经常被推荐给不同的刊物,而且经常作为扶轮英文月刊、全球扶轮社活动报导、和扶轮世界的特辑。Good projects with action photos are often referred to different publications and are often featured in The Rotarian , the News Basket, and The Rotary World.

2001年,由自己担任编导,撰稿并主持的“雀巢音乐世界-海南特辑’荣获广东电视优秀节目奖。In 2001, she herself acted as director, writer and mastered the "Nestle Music World-Hainan Special Volume" won the award of Guangdong Excellent TV Programme.