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部队被送到滩头堡登陆。The troops were landed at a beachhead.

我告诉你,我们愿意抓住这一滩头。And i tell you, we are ready to seize that beachhead.

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那一夜,我们途径滩头堡,前往伯明翰。The night we went to Birmingham by way of Beachy Head.

建立一个滩头堡岛在帛琉的任何困难。Establish a beachhead at Peleliu Island on any difficulty.

英军和加军加固了自己的滩头阵地,牢牢的控制了盟军左翼。British and Canadian beaches had become a solid Allied grip on the left flank.

但微软却并没有在此时及时的抢占互联网的滩头。However, Microsoft did not timely at this time to seize the beachhead Internet.

如果紧张的关系继续加强,作为滩头阵地的厦门可能会成为前沿阵地。If tensions were to escalate, the beachhead of Xiamen could become a battlefront.

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整个场面就像是在观赏一支由史前生物组成的军队争相在滩头堡上避难。It was like watching an army of prehistoric creatures taking refuge on a beachhead.

滩头堡,登陆场在侵略部队之前军队占领的敌方海岸线上的一…A position on an enemy shoreline captured by troops in advance of an invading force.

这张照片显示盟军准备从敦刻尔克的滩头撤退。This picture shows Allied troops waiting for evacuation from the beaches at Dunkirk.

他们一登上滩头阵地就意外地遭到两面夹攻。They were attacked unexpectedly from both sides as soon as they landed at a beachhead.

我们队伍会越来越大的,现在只是刚开始,抢占一个滩头阵地。There will be more of us. We are just the beginning. Securing a beachhead, if you will.

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对他们有一个滩头堡,探讨进行侦察网络的其余部分。From then on they had a beachhead to explore the rest of the network for reconnaissance.

詹姆斯•德龙中尉是劫掠者式飞行员,D日当天曾在犹他滩头飞得又低又猛。James Delong was a Marauder pilot who had flown in low and hard on D-Day over Utah Beach.

盟军赢得这场至关重要的战役的制空权并非只是在滩头阵地上。Where the Allies had won the critical battle for air supremacy was not over the beachhead.

在尚未结束的滩头阵地对决中,盟军赢得了关键的制空权的胜利。Where the Allies had won the critical battle for air supremacy was not over the beachhead.

卢卡斯将军专心致志于占领滩头堡,并使装备和车辆登岸。General Lucas confined himself to occupying his beachhead and having equipment and vehicles brought ashore.

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一九九四年,滩头年画被国家文化部授予中国民间美术一绝银奖。In 1994, the beach New Year pictures by the state Ministry of Culture awarded a Chinese folk art must Silver.

他们在海外设立“滩头阵地”办公室,为那些在全世界都有业务的老顾客服务。They have moved abroad with "beachhead" offices that serve existing clients who do business around the world.

国家重点工程万安水电站,座落在县城南面的惶恐滩头。Wan'an Hydroelectric Power Station, the state pivotal engineering, is situated in the south of the county capital.