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我现在睡意朦胧的,而且还感到很满足。I am sleepy andcontent.

他有一双蓝灰色的眼睛透着朦胧梦幻般的美。He had smoky grey-blue eyes.

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于是我便一直注视着朦胧的白窗帘。I stare at filmy white curtain.

我觉得我已经有点泪眼朦胧了。I think I'm misting up already.

晨曦朦胧,荡舟尼罗河。Boating in the twilight of Nile.

他只能看到一个朦胧的景色。He could only see a bleary view.

他朦胧的眼中闪出骄傲的光芒。He flashed pride from filmy eyes.

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这是一种挑战我们朦胧思想的方法。It is a way to defy our obscurity.

喔!在朦胧的暮色中吻我!Kiss me out of the bearded barley.

你是我梦中记忆的朦胧。A filmy memory you are in my dream.

于是我便一直注视着朦胧的白窗帘。I stare at the filmy white curtain.

阳台上。夜色朦胧。In the balcony, the night is hazily.

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那是五月初的一个朦胧的夜晚。It was an obscure night of early May.

山姆朦胧左彩票工作室。Sam dreamily left the lottery studio.

喔!在朦胧的暮色中吻我!Oh, kiss me beneath the miky twilight.

它劝诱我走向雾气朦胧的黄昏。It coaxes me to the vapor and the dusk.

译为现在象一层朦胧的薄雾逼迫浮士德。Now draw up Faustus, like a foggy mist.

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萤火虫一样飞在朦胧的树阴?As a firefly in the hazy shade of a tree?

那人渐渐隐入朦胧的暮色之中。The man blended gradually into the gloom.

傍晚时分,天空变得朦胧起来。The sky hazed over at the end of the day.