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给出了误码率与BPF群时延的关系。At last, the relationship of BER and BPF group delay is shown.

仿真分析表明,该方法可获得有较好的误码率性能。Simulation results show that the performance of this system is good.

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要进行误码率的计算,需要分两步进行,即抽样和判决。To calculate the error rate, you need two steps, namely, sampling and decision.

并对调度系统的误码率进行了详细计算。The error code rate of the dispatching system were calculated in greater detail.

分析了莱斯衰落信道中FSK信号的非相干接收机误码率。The BERs of a noncoherent receiver for FSK signal in Rician fading channels is given.

本文提出了一种利用FPGA来实现DVD光盘母盘误码率检测的仪器设计。This paper presents a design for bit error ratio tester of DVD mother disc using FPGA.

并数值分析了误码率及单用户最大数据速率等系统性能。The system performance, such as BER and the largest single-user data rate, is analyzed.

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仿真结果表明,该方法可以将误码率降低到10-9以下。Simulation results indicate that bit-error probabilities can be descended to below 10-9.

在此基础上,推广到多天线的情况,得到了基于该系统的误码率表达式。Based the above result, we get the symbol error rate of the UWB system with multi-antenna.

在实际的数据通信中,为改善眼图,减小误码率可用适当的均衡器。In data communication systems, suitable equalizers are applied for eye's figure improvement.

但不信的犹太人从塞萨洛尼卡来的误码率“挑起和令人不安的众多”。But unbelieving Jews from Thessalonica came to Bera "stirring up and troubling the multitude".

网络多媒体应用要求实时性高、延迟小、误码率低。Network multimedia application has high requirements in terms of real-time, delay and error-rate.

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QPSK在加性高斯白噪声环境下,信噪比和误码率的仿真。QPSK the additive white Gaussian noise environment, and the signal-to-noise ratio of the simulation.

该算法采用BCH编码和匹配滤波来降低误码率。The algorithm reduces error probabilities of detection by exploiting BCH code and matched filtering.

经检验,系统误码性能良好,常温下误码率达到了10-10,并且在工业级温度下能稳定正常的工作。Through verification, our system has good performance and BER reaches 10-10 in the normal temperature.

在瑞利衰落信道中分析了使用这种判决函数的部分并行干扰抵消检测方法的误码率性能。The BER performance of the PPIC detection method using WSGN function in a Rayleigh channel is analyzed.

数据信号在盲信道传播,将在接收端引入线性失真,导致误码率。When data signals transmit through blind channel, the channel will lead a linear distort at a receiver.

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合理选择线路码型有利于提高信号传输速率,减少误码率。It is good to raise transmissibility of signal to select reasonable line code, and to reduce error code.

GPON中应用FEC可以减小接收端的误码率,增加通信的可靠性。FEC in the GPON can reduce the error ratio at the receiver and increase the reliability of communication.

仿真结果表明,采用多路径译码方法可明显提高系统的误码率性能。Simulation results show that the performance of BER can be improved obviously using this proposed method.