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他向蛤蟆道声谢,就爬出来了。He thanked the toad and climbed back out.

许多人觉得瘌蛤蟆和蛇可憎。Toads and snakes are repulsive to many people.

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神定,捉蛤蟆,鞭数十,驱之别院。God, and toad, dozens of other homes whip, flooding.

上面有一只懒蛤蟆,它张大嘴巴想吃天鹅肉。Look, above is a toad opening its mouth to eat a swan.

它来自小女孩蛤蟆赐顾帮衬如许地仁慈。It came from the toad which the girl had cared for with such kindness.

如果一个穷汉子想娶一位公主为妻,则无异乎懒蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉。If a poor man asked to marry a princess, that would be like begging for the moon.

几个金币离开蛤蟆的口袋消失在洗衣婆的钱包里。Several gold coins left the Toad's pocket and disappeared into the washerwoman 's purse.

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肥蛤蟆交给他一个空心的萝卜,上面套着六只小老鼠。The fat toad gave him a hollowed out yellow turnip, to which were harnessed six little mice.

因此如果真正的解剖太粘糊糊的话,那么是时候该试试一些蛤蟆科技了。So for cases in which a real dissection would be too slimy , it's time to try some toad tech.

“缺心眼”又爬下去,来到肥蛤蟆那里,告诉它自己需要一个最美丽的戒指。Once again he climbed down to the fat toad and told it that he needed the most beautiful ring.

蛤蟆有点恼怒的走上楼,但他确是很乐意脱下那套洗衣婆的衣服。Toad went upstairs a little crossly , but he was pleased to get out of the washerwoman's dress.

调理品的话可以试试那个来自长白山野生雌林蛙的蛤仙丹蛤蟆油!Conditioning products that come from, then you can try the Clam Wild elixir female frog Rana oil!

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一飘过河,雾气就像蛤蟆一样蹲在河东岸,新的雾气开始从中流淌出来。Once across, it sank to sit like a toad on the eastern bank, and new fog begun to puff out of it.

小蛤蟆拿来一个盒子,肥蛤蟆打开它,从里面取出一张地毯交给“缺心眼”。The young toad brought the box, and the fat toad opened it, then gave the Simpleton a carpet from it.

此时凯班发现了昏厥的日向雏田和蛤蟆,并对雏田进行救治。At this point keban date of discovery of faint field and plunging to the child, and child treated fields.

您还可以向南再走约500米去游览一下形态逼真、惟妙惟肖的蛤蟆石。You can also follow the same track about 500 meters south to visit one form of realistic , lifelike worlds toad stone.

我们要在泥巴下建几间最好的屋子,老蛤蟆说,这样你和她就可以结婚啦!"We will make ready the best rooms under the mud," she told him, "and then you and the little maiden will be married."

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程老鳖率领一支步队是日行经蛤蟆沟,发现了突击队落脚之处,睁开突袭。Cheng old turtle step to lead a team is menstruation toad ditch, discovered the commandos resting place, open your raid.

但“白天鹅”的明星架子颇大,对“吴蛤蟆”总是十分傲慢无礼,令他好不沮丧。But " white swan " star frame work is quite great, right " toad " always be very arrogant, make him good do not distress.

蔬菜和米饭通常在一顿饭的最后才会上,所以可以少吃点先上的蛤蟆和鸡脚。Vegetables and rice come at the end of the meal so you can take it easy on the toad and chicken feet that come out first.