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初版很快告罄。The first edition was soon exhausted.

“角斗士”的票已经告罄。The tickets for “Gladiator” have been sold out.

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当然,固定电话和手机随后也宣布告罄。And, of course, land-line and cell phones went out.

迪尼茨特别著重说明以色列的弹药即将告罄。Dinitz in particularly stressed that israel was running out of ammunition.

他称经过几个月的战斗之后,叛军所有物资都已经告罄。He said that after months of fighting the rebels were running out of everything.

当第二次世界大战前夕战云密布时,我父亲资金告罄。My father ran out of capital as the storm of clouds of the Second world war began to gather.

多亏了那些善于惺惺作态的政客们,英国不久电力就要告罄。英国该何去何从?Thanks to its posturing politicians, Britain will soon start to run out of electricity. What should it do?

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有传言认为伊朗用于转化和提炼的铀矿即将告罄,对伊朗的遏制措施一时甚嚣尘上。The containment option is boosted by the belief that Iran is running out of uranium ore to convert and enrich.

50场表演的门票立马告罄,表明这名老天王仍然受到千千万万粉丝的追捧。Tickets for the 50 shows sold out instantly, proving that thousands of people were still lured by the promise of the old stardust.

天然气和石油的生物成因说将随石油资源逐渐告罄而接近其历史使命的完成。The biogenetic theory of petroleum and gas is approaching completion of its historical mission with the gradual exhaustion of oil resources.

当地人口急剧增长,早已超过卫生服务和援助机构所能承受的范围,而水和燃料这类重要资源也即将告罄。The increase in the local population has overstretched the capacity of health services and aid agencies, while supply chains have been affected.

鲁比克360,是现年64岁的匈牙利发明家这近二十年以来的第一款力作,根据鲁比克公司的消息,目前预售的销量水平,已经要让库存告罄。It is the 64-year-old Hungarian inventor's first new puzzle for almost 20 years and, according to Rubik's, the level of pre-orders has already left stocks low.

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他说这些系统可能会因为缺少支持、和私有产品相比缺少特点以及随着投资告罄而缺少资金等原因衰落下去。He said that such systems could falter due to lack of support, lack of features compared to similar proprietary products, or lack of money, as grant funding potentially dries up.

武装党卫队坦克在第二天离开出发地开始向前推进,但是在下午却油料告罄,等待补给后才继续前进。The Waffen-SS tanks pressed home their advantage during the following day, but then ran out of fuel during the afternoon and had to be resupplied before the advance could continue.

他们卖掉了几百张的品尝券,但显然只分配了极少量昂贵的酒,所以他们的存货很快就告罄了,拿不出更陈或是更有意思的酒来。They'd clearly allocated a very limited number of pricey bottles to a tasting for which they'd sold hundreds of tickets, so they quickly ran out of anything older or more interesting.

据说当时一名冰淇淋小摊贩的杯子告罄,就用上了隔壁糕点铺能食用的杯子。It was invented at the world’s fair there, the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, supposedly when a vendor of ice cream ran out of cups and had edible ones made by a pastry shop next door.

她被专为此类疾病提供医疗服务的非政府组织诊所拒之门外,原因是由于经济危机,该组织的捐助资金已经用光,药品也已告罄。She was turned away from the NGO clinic that provides treatment for these diseases, because donor funding has dried up as a result of the financial crisis, and the NGO has run out of drugs.

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自1947年独立以来,受国企拖累的印度经济一直举步维艰,直至1991年国际货币基金组织力促外汇储备已几乎告罄的印度进行改革开放。India, weighed down by state-run enterprises, languished from the time of independence in 1947 until 1991, when the IMF forced it to open up after its foreign reserves had dropped to nearly zero.