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现在他们开始冒蒸气了。Now they are getting steamed.

蒸气从热水锅炉里冒出。Steam erupted from the geyser.

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配合蒸气使用效果更佳。Recommanded to use with steamer.

蒸气使我的眼镜模糊不清。The steam has fogged the mirror.

那未壶盖底下的蒸气又是打哪儿来的呢?How did the steam get under the lid ?

六艘一样的螺丝箝制钢造蒸气巡洋舰。Six twin screwed steel steam cruisers.

蒸气使窗户模糊不清。The steam has misted the windows over.

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水沸腾时变成蒸气。When water boils it passes into steam.

配合蒸气使用效果更佳。Highly recommanded to use with steamer.

然后蒸气进入汽轮机。Then the steam passes into the turbine.

我们应该放掉锅炉里的蒸气。We should let the steam off the boiler.

当你烧水时,沸水会散发出蒸气。When you boil water it gives off steam.

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按加热方式不同划分为蒸气加热和电加热式两种。The heating can be made by electricity or steam.

咖啡的蒸气从打磨得锃亮的大壶里喷出来。A jet of coffee steam from the burnished caldron.

披覆在头上的毛巾,让蒸气被吸入。Drape towel over head to allow steam to be inhaled.

蒸气从管子的裂缝漏出去。The steam found a vent through a crack in the pipe.

活性炭罐蒸气排泄阀是由真空控制的。The canister vapor-vent value is operated by vacuum.

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蒸气压力过高的锅炉突然破裂了。The boiler from excessive pressure of steam exploded.

大众池有烤箱、蒸气室和水疗设备。The communal bath has a sauna, a steam room and a spa.

蒸气压是一个重要的产品规格。Vapour pressure is an important product specification.