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马送陈一个精美的瓷器。Ma gave Chen a fine porcelain.

精美的家具美化了房间。Fine furniture graced the room.

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那本杂志有精美的插图。The magazine is well illustrated.

山形墙上的精美浮雕。Beautiful reliefs on the pediment.

泡在一个精美的铜制咖啡壶里。Made in a proper copper coffeepot.

他收集了一些精美的邮票。He has a fine collection of stamps.

这里的青铜器真精美!How beautiful the bronze wares are!

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我们享受了精美的鸡肉和椰子。We feasted on chicken and coconuts.

她的礼服上有精美的纱拖裙。Her dress had got a fine lace train.

这是一本有精美插图的教科书。This is a well-illustrated textbook.

精美小饼和小杯黑咖啡,是的,先生。Petits fours and demitasse. Yes, sir.

她穿的宽松长袍刺绣精美。Her abaya was beautifully embroidered.

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这个竹刻工艺品相当精美。This bamboo carving is very exquisite.

其飞檐照壁雕刻精美。Beautifully carved cornices its Zhaobi.

精美的壁画,堪称绝代佳品。Exquisite frescos , can Jiapin peerless.

她戴着精美的珠宝。She decked herself out with fine jewels.

商店里摆满了圣诞节的精美食品。The shops were full of Christmas viands.

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杰姆还没看见他那精美的礼物呢。Jim had not yet seen his beautiful present.

他们的产品重新包装得非常精美。Their products are attractively repackaged.

抱厦上绘有精美的壁画。There is an exquisite fresco on that porch.