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乌云预示着要下雪。The clouds threaten snow.

乌云意味着要下雨。The dark clouds mean rain.

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看那些乌云!Look at those balck clouds!

乌云予示著暴风雨的来临。Dark clouds betoken a storm.

天空里乌云滚滚。The sky writhed with clouds.

乌云预示着有暴风雨。Black clouds forebode a storm.

每朵乌云都镶着银边。Every cloud has a silver lining.

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却从乌云密布的空中降落人间。Fall from these beclouded skies.

那些乌云预示有雨。Those black clouds betoken rain.

那些乌云预示即将下雨。Those black clouds betoken rain.

乌云是风雨欲来的前兆。Those black clouds forebode rain.

当生活给我乌云和连绵的雨水。When life gives me darks and rain.

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乌云压山。Dark clouds cling to the mountains.

这片乌云正在降下雨来。This mass of dark cloud is raining.

就像阳光治愈青肿的乌云,或者雪Are healed by sunlight, or snow caps

大雨从乌云里倾盆而下。From the dark clouds pour the rains.

乌云压顶,开始飘起了毛毛雨。I walked home in the drizzling rain.

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乌云布满苍穹。When clouds gathering in the welkin.

如夏季乌云携雨从天降。As showers from the clouds of summer.

厚厚的乌云中阳光一束。Sunbeam among the thick, dark clouds.