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它是原型问题。It's the prototypical problem.

当然,有一些原型是真实的。Of course, some patterns are real.

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在顶端,那个函数原型。So up top, the function prototype.

什么是一个函数的原型呢?What's the prototype of a function?

但实际上它们就是原型异类。But in fact they are protoanomalies.

这些都是原型趋向动词。They are prototypical directional verbs.

爱迪生电报机,原型,1890年。Edison Telegraph machine, prototype, c. 1890.

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调用基于原型的对象的方法。Invokes a method of a prototype-based object.

最早的MRD原型构建在什么时候?When is the earliest MRD for Prototype Build?

切·阿曼韦·帕帕诺依达的原型是阿曼达·卢卡斯。Che Amanwe Papanoida is based on Amanda Lucas.

以你熟悉的人和地点为原型用乐高搭积木。Make people you know or build familiar places.

一个和原型同样大小的火星探测车漫游者号的复制品。A full-size replica of a Mars Exploration Rover.

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我在康宁实验室之一看见过这样的原型。I saw such a prototype in one of Corning's labs.

它的原型是美国的大陪审团制度。The model was the grand-jury system in the U. S.

内建的图表和原型设计模板Built-in stencils for diagramming and prototyping

原型试验研究了流槽的受力性能。Load behavior is studied by prototype experiment.

喜剧,牧歌和团圆诗的原型。Comedy, eclogue withtheprototype of reunited poem.

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一行程序应该像原型那样被丢弃。One-liners should be thrown away, like prototypes.

用基于原型的语言写一个应用Write an application in a prototype-based language

什么因素决定要交付的原型数量?Determining Factors In Number Of Mock-Ups To Deliver