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撒路斯提乌斯是罗马共和时期的政治家、史家。Sallustius was a statesman and historian of Roman Republic.

撒路斯提乌斯是罗马共和时期的政治家、史家。Sallust was a politician and historian in the late Roman republic.

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这件事表面上看似简单,常被史家所忽略。It looks like a simple incident and is often ignored by historians.

两千年来,他始终受到史家和文人的敬仰。For centuries he has been revered by all Chinese historians and scholars.

五代的文化政策历来不为史家所重视。Historians always underestimate the cultural policy of the Five Dynasties.

史料是史家与史事之间的惟一桥梁。Historical material is the unique bridge between historian and historical events.

作为法学史家,我所接触的过去,其生动性并不逊色于现实生活。And the past I arrived in as a legal historian was no less alive than the present.

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历史人物评价是乾嘉时代史家赵翼历史评论的重要内容。An important aspect of Zhao Yi's historical work is criticism of historical figures.

韦斯特福尔是当代著名的科学史家,尤其以对牛顿的研究著称。R. S. Westfall was a famous historian of science, especially for his Newtonian study.

本文将从“书法不隐”、“直书与曲笔”、史家修养三方面对史家的“实录”精神进行阐释。This article will explain the "factual record" spirit from the "writing without hiding",.

在此,非常抱歉,因集团发展需要,现史家商务会馆已改为内部招待。To my deep regret, Shijia House did not open to public until now as the business grows need.

许多有影响力的艺术史家如今说里希特先生堪与那些战后的著名画家相媲美。Many influential art historians now say Mr Richter is as important as these post-war masters.

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道德评价及标准问题数年来一直是众多史家讨论之焦点。The moral evaluation and it's criterion are always the main points in historians' discussions.

历史学的社会功能也要求史家必须对历史人物和历史事件做出道德评价。History's social functions also require historians to evaluate historical people and incidents.

我出生在北京,现在是史家小学分校六年级的一名小学生。I was born in Beijing and now I am studying in Shijia Branch School. I am already in Grade Six.

同样,宋代历史也得到了元代史家比较客观的评价。Similarly, the history of the Song Dynasty Yuan Dynasty historians have been more objective evaluation.

中国古代关于史家修史致祸现象的探讨十分丰富。The ancient scholars approached a wide-ranging discussion on historian's disaster from compiling history.

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胡氏小说史研究与其敏锐的史家意识密切相关。Hu Yinglin's research into ancient fiction history is closely connected with his penetrating history sense.

扑士和扑克史家吉姆·麦克玛纳斯形容这位斯堪的纳维亚小姑娘的胜利是“令人大跌眼镜的里程碑”。Jim McManus, a poker player and historian, describes the young Scandinavian's win as a "startling milestone".

史家进行历史研究活动过程也就是进行历史思维的过程。The process of historians research into history is that they equals they carry out historical thought course.