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我的肚脐将永远是皮棉免费的。My belly button will always be lint free.

另外,它还控制'棉花飞'和残留空中皮棉。It also controls 'cotton fly' and residual airborne lint.

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是用酒精清洗指甲和两个皮棉自由抹布?Was the nail cleaned with alcohol and two lint free wipes?

皮棉产量与纤维品质间的相关主要是加性效应相关。The significant correlation were additive effects of lint yield with fiber traits.

去年他们取得了亩产皮棉180公斤的优异成绩。They distinguished themselves by raising 180 kg of ginned cotton per mu last year.

皮棉产量构成因素间存在制约与促进的数量关系。Restrictive and stimulative quantity relationships existed among lint yield components.

本周棉花市场行情低迷不振,皮棉现货报价持续走低,跌幅不断加深。Weak cotton market downturn this week, lint spot price remained low, decline continues to deepen.

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摸清了各产量因素间相互制约、此长彼消的变化规律与不同皮棉产量的产量结构指标。Change rule of yield factors and yield structure index of different lint yield have been searched.

该机作用是随轧花机凝集皮棉,并使之形成均匀连续密实的棉胎,以供打包。Its function is to collect ginned cotton and form it into even and compact cotton block , for packing.

比强度与单株皮棉产量的单相关系数、偏相关系数和直接通径系数分别为-0.206,0.481,0.129。The PECC, PACC and DPC between fiber strength and lint yield per plant were-0.206,0.481,0.129 respectively.

非条件遗传方差结果表明,总皮棉产量没有检测到显著的非条件加性效应方差。Results of un- conditional genetic variances showed that there were no additive variance of total lint yield.

结果表明,伏前桃、铃重和主根重与皮棉产量呈负相关。The results showed that number of bolls by July 15, boll weight and taproot apeared negative correlation with lint yield.

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单株铃数、衣分、铃重都存在最佳选择范围,在此范围内容易形成高产皮棉的优化组合。There was an optimum selection range for three yield traits, within these range, it will easily form higher lint yield model.

粉红色螟蛉的幼虫在库房棉花籽中过冬,可能使皮棉减产两成。The pink bollworm, whose larvae winter in the seeds of cotton in the storerooms, may cause a 20per cent loss in ginned cotton.

对于皮棉价格来讲,纺纱厂的“补库需求”是下一步可能出现的最根本、最核心的利多因素。Lint price, spinning factory of "replenishment needs" is the next step may appear the most fundamental and core benefit factors.

而基本面上,皮棉和棉纱下挫,总体生产利润依旧保持高位,显示棉花价格低估。On the fundamentals, lint and cotton yarn falls, overall production profits still remain high, shows cotton prices underestimated.

沼肥的施用也能有效的提高棉花的籽棉和皮棉的产量及较好的改善其产量构成因素。The application of biogas fertilizer can effectively increase the yield of seed cotton and lint cotton and improve their yield components.

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史密斯先生,装船重量是我们出售皮棉依据的原则,国外客户都毫不犹豫地接受我们的条款。Mr. Smith, it is our principle to sell our cotton waste on shipping weight, and al our buyers abroad have unhesitatingly accepted our terms.

通径分析结果显示,整齐度与衣分对皮棉产量的综合直接作用最大。The restoring menstrual analysis indicated that uniformity and lint percentage play the most comprehensive and direct role in the lint yield.

各果枝节位开花数的狭义遗传率与皮棉产量的加性相关系数都高于相应部位成铃数。Flowering had larger values for the narrow sense heritability and for additive correlation with yield than fruiting on each position and site.