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你为什么如此克己呢?Why are you so ascetic?

他们属于更加克己的上一代人。They belong to an older, more self-denying generation.

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我们是曾以“克己”著称的民族。We are a people used to be known for "self-restraint".

你何如知道胡萝卜对视力有克己?How do you know carrots are fould likeastic for your eyesight?

修院表现的是极端的自私,而结果是极端的克己。The convent is supreme egoism having for its result supreme abnegation.

史坦布律克己敦促银行供应经济充沛的流动性.Steinbrueck has pressed banks to supply the economy with ample liquidity.

生本无好坏之分,只是各个季候有各自的克己。Thereisno good or bad in life, except whatisgood according to its own season.

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我想这是现在我应该尽力作到的一种克己工夫。It is a lesson in renunciation which I suppose I ought to learn at this seaon.

性爱的本质是李安的主题,他太诚挚了,以致于无法克己。The nature of the sex is Lee's subject, and he is too honest to suppress that.

这是一个自始自终贯穿了克己和仁慈的感人故事。It’s a compelling story with a message of restraint and mercy laced throughout.

商人离开后,游客称赞搬运工能忍辱克己。After the businessman left, the traveler complimented the porter on his restraint.

我们是中国的AOT公司,我们卖苹果,质量不错还很克己。We include AOT Co. , Ltd in China. We supply apple with good quality and low price.

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我们男人已经接受了这种信念,坚忍克己才是力量的体现。We men have been conditioned to believe that stoicism is the embodiment of strength.

斯巴达及波斯王子有智慧、正义、克己、及勇气各门老师教导。Spartan and Persian princes have teachers in Wisdom, Justice, Temperance, and Courage.

同时,他一生刻苦、独居克己、制欲,从来不曾娱乐过。And, withal, a life of privation, isolation, abnegation , chastity, with never a diversion.

2009年已是第12次进行该活动,并由浅野克己创作今年的海报。This year Katsumi Asaba created the poster for 2009, which is the 12th work of this series.

肤品牌,假定有渠讲,您鸵审友映鳊分购,可以或许很克己的。Skin brand, if there is a channel, you asked a friend to use points to buy, can be very cheap.

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为了实现这一目标,译者一方面要有克己意识,一方面要有创造意识,两者相互制约,相互弥补,切不可重此轻彼。To achieve this, the translator should have both a sense of self restraint and a sense of creativity.

祥子没有灰心,他依然倔强地从头开始,更加克己地拉车攒钱。Xiangzi was not discouraged, he still stubborn and start from scratch, more self-control to pull money.

历史记载着人类的一切苦难、克己、忠诚和英勇的事迹。History records the suffering, the self-denial, the devotion, and the heroic deeds of people in the past.