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哦,这是指要出去兜风。We are going for a car ride.

何时嘉信才能开车带我出去兜风?。When will you give me a ride, Noah?

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我能乘坐你的宝马车一起去兜风吗?Can I ride with you in your B. M. W ?

登一座山,在沙漠里兜风,赤着脚漫步在草地上。Climb a mountain. Ride in a dune buggy.

我喜欢在山间开着宝马车兜风。I like driving my BMW in the mountains!

当然好啊!天气正适合兜风。Sure.the weather is perfect for a ride.

他常带她出去开车兜风。He takes her out for little rides in the car.

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苏喜欢乘坐双层汽车兜风。Sue likes to take a ride on the doubledecker.

他驾驶一辆外表华丽的赛车在镇上兜风。He drove around the town in a flashy sports-car.

不要放过每个出去快乐兜风的机会。Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

他还可以坐着我的电动玩具车兜风。He was just the right size for my electric toy car.

在乡村公路上兜风,打开车的顶蓬。And cruising down a country road, with the top down.

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在我的下个休息日,我不想开车去兜风。On my next day off, I don't want to gor for a drive.

我们打算骑自行车兜风,观光旅行。We are planning to go bike riding and go sightseeing.

即使被系住我还是可以走的很好,我也很爱被车子载著兜风。I walk very well on a leash , and I love to ride in a car.

即便是以钻石标志的高占有率车道独自开车兜风也不值得。Even driving solo in the diamond HOV lane isn't worth that.

他邀请我们坐进轿车和他一起去兜风。He invited us to get in the car and go for a ride with him.

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要是有一辆自备车该多好啊,我可以开车到处兜风。If only I had a car of my own. I could drive it everywhere.

一天,我爸爸带我们一家到乡下兜风。One day my father took us for a family drive in the country.

你们不能只顾兴高采烈地坐空军一号去曼哈顿上空兜风。You can't just take Air Force One on a joy ride to Manhattan.