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扣问其他接洽人的姓名。Always ask for additional contact names.

随后,他拒绝透露相关接洽方的名字。He declined to identify any of the parties.

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你可以亲自接洽也可以写信。You can apply either personally or in letter.

您可以接洽信用卡的发卡银行扣问情况。You could contact the issuing bank for information.

它和中国独一的接洽大要就是沙漠戈壁了!The only connection it has with China is perhaps Gobi desert!

现派张同志前往你处接洽。We are now sending Comrade Zhang along to get in touch with you.

为什么不跟这样的小企业主接洽一下,提供一些帮助呢?Why not approach one of these business owners and offer to help?

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有关退货事宜,请与您的产品供应商或售货商接洽。Contact your products supplier or vendor for return instructions.

他说,有关部门尚未接洽过公司,我们目前被夹在了中间。We have not been contacted by the authorities yet. We are in limbo.

有关退货事宜,请与您的产品供应商或售销商接洽。For product return, please contact with your product vendor or seller.

记者希望接洽范清平和政府发言人,但没有成功。Efforts to reach Mr. Binh and a government spokesman were unsuccessful.

此时,请直接与本公司或特约经销店接洽。In such occation, please contact with us or our special agency directly.

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一间人力仲介公司接洽她并提供另外一家公司的工作。She was approached by a headhunter and offered a job with another company.

采摘下的迷迭香树叶常绿不衰,因此人们把迷迭香树与悼念接洽在一起。Because its leaves remain green long after being picked, rosemary became as.

她们之间在品牌办理的好些个方面上具备接洽瓜葛性。They are related in many ways and need to be managed in a holistic approach.

若有其他题目,请拨以上电话号码与我接洽。Should you have any further questions, please contact me on the above number.

他想以后再和你接洽。请留下你的咭片好吗?He may want to get in touch with you in the future. Would you leave your card?

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国与国之间的关联是靠两国国民之间的接洽来维系的。Relations between nations are sustained by the connections between their peoples.

管方应指派代表同雇员代表接洽。Management representatives should appoint to interface with employee representatives.

我们处于一个很小的、接洽慎稀的止业中,消息常常衰止一时。The truth is that we work in a very small, tight-knit industry and news spreads fast.