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他是个众所周知的大忽悠。He is bluff known to all!

当然,这是众所周知的。Sure, they're well-known.

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他是个众所周知的大忽悠。He is a bluff known to all!

这些都众所周知This is all pretty well known.

这就是众所周知的贝茨极限。This is known as the Betz Limit.

众所周知,他是个慢性子。It's known that he is slow coach.

嗯,众所周知我爱吃饼干。Well, me known for eating cookie.

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众所周知,牛以草为主食。As is well known, cattle feed on grass.

臭佬众所周知是拉姆西大人的宠物。Reek was known to be Lord Ramsay's pet.

这就是众所周知的滚雪球效应。The snowballing effect can be dramatic.

他喜欢夸大事实是众所周知的。His tendency to exaggerate is well-know.

她的过失,到现在已是众所周知的了。So her fault was now known to every one.

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众所周知,电单车对于我们是很有用的。As we know, E-bike is very useful for us.

这是用众所周知的隐喻来表达的。It is expressed in a well-known metaphor.

他告诉我的原因是众所周知的。The reason that he told me is well-known.

超人是漫画中众所周知的英雄。Superman is a well-known comic-strip hero.

这个循环就是众所周知的编辑—编译—调试。This cycle is known as edit-compile-debug.

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北京少水,是众所周知的事实。It is known that Beijing is short of water.

索尼Vaio是众所周知的笔记本品牌。Sony Vaio is a well known brand of laptops.

这就是众所周知的反稀释条款。This is known as an anti-dilution provision.