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我接受你的针砭箴规。i'll take your advice.

我只有一个针砭针砭给你——做你本身的主人。I have but one counsel for you-be your own master.

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马克思就怎样学习外语给了我们一些针砭箴规。Marx gave us some advice on how to learn foreign languages.

杜牧创作思想最终的目的就是要有为而作,针砭现实,教化社会。The creation thinking of Du Mu is related with the reality.

能担当针砭的有时比赐与者更强。He who can take advice is sometimes superior to him who can give it.

“你给了我几多针砭箴规啊,“他说作声来。”我听患上厌死啦。”"you give me much good counsel, " he said aloud. "i'm tired of it. "

亨利·米勒是美国20世纪的文学奇才,他的怪异文体使他备受针砭。Henry Miller, whose weird style was once criticized, was actually an American literary genius of 20th century.

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亨利·勒是美国20世纪的文学奇才,他的怪异文体使他备受针砭。Henry Miller, whose weird style was once criticized, was actually an American literary genius of20 th century.

对于伸手向国家求援和针砭国家弊病的委内瑞拉人,所有人的目光都聚焦在“老爷爷”查韦斯的身上。For Venezuelans pleading for help from the state or placing blame for the country's ills, all eyes will remain on Grandpa.

我也发明你的针砭箴规十分有益,对在不论什么特定情况下会怎样,都不要过分期待,连结一种均衡的觉得。I also found your counsel on not expecting too much, keeping a balanced sense of what could be in any given situation, very helpful.

如果你觉得北京的极尽华丽的表演实在是无法超越了,那么广州的开幕式可让我们如坐针砭了。If you thought that the Beijing extravaganza would be difficult to surpass, the Guangzhou opening ceremony blew us out of our seats.

并且其中亦透露出对世教风习与人心流俗之针砭,而深蕴超越名士主流的平等观点。It also reveals criticism of thoughts and custom in that era, which deeply contains a fair viewpoint beyond the mainstream celebrities.

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对我们关心我们的现在与未来,于历史上的针砭,我们不会由于技能、血统、等不同条件或今昔不同的合法地位的承认的限制而感觉受到恐吓。We do not feel threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the origins of various terms, or they of various ts of different traditions.

广义校雠学的理论主张与实践经验,很有针砭作用和启迪价值。The views of the broad-sensed collation and the experience gained from its practice turn out enlightening and remedial in its influence on the present.

杜牧的这些文艺思想,不仅可以针砭晚唐文学的时弊,而且对当下的文学创作同样富有启发和现实意义。Such literary thoughts of Du Mu's can not only criticize the disadvantages, but also enlighten the current literary creation with realistic significance.

对我们关心我们的现在与未来,于历史上的针砭,我们不会由于技能、血统、等不同条件或今昔不同的合法地位的承认的限制而感觉受到恐吓。We do not feel threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the origins of various terms, or the legitimacy of various aspects of different traditions.

在此意义上,笔者认为柯灵乌可被视为是针砭欧洲现代文明有关自然主义与科学主义两方面道德危机的一位实质批评者。In this sense, it seems to me that Collingwood can be seen as a substantial critic of the moral crisis of modern European civilization in terms of naturalism and scientism.

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针砭清廷弊政,揭露封建统治阶级的荒淫凶残、横征暴敛,鼓动广大人民投身于反帝反封建运动,为祖国的独立、人民的自由而奋斗。The poems also call for the masses to devote themselves to the anti-imperialist movement and to struggle for the independence of the country and for the freedom of the people.

鲁迅文化经典包含着丰富的现代性因素,对鲁迅文化经典的解读与阐释,既是文化上的寻根认祖,也是对现实生活中某些缺失的针砭和疗治。Lu Hsun's cultural classics include rich elements of modernity, explanation of that is not only the seeking for root of culture but the criticism and treatment of some defects in real life.

籍由专业翻译及学生翻译之对比分析,不但有助于翻译教师了解学生处理技术翻译之优缺点,亦可作为日后学校提供技术翻译训练之针砭及参考。The implications of the result of the comparative evaluation are discussed and serve as the significant guidelines for the future modification of current training in student technical translation.