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身体经不住那么大剂量的放射线。The body cannot tolerate such large amounts of radiation.

放射线狙击兵芯块技术正在变得比较每个日子。Radiation Sniper SlugsTechnology is getting better each day.

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第一、不要过多地接触X射线和其它有害的放射线。First, not too much contact with X-rays and other harmful radiation.

放射线学与临床表徵一并呈现。Radiological findings and clinical data are presented for the two cases.

这些病人仅在偶然的放射线检查时才被发现。Some are asymptomatic and discovered as an incidental radiologic finding.

高压氧对于喉部放射线性坏死可做为一个有用的辅助性治疗。HBO therapy could be a useful treatment adjunct for laryngeal radionecrosis.

还有一种方法使要素占据主体地位是通过会聚线和放射线。Another method to achieve dominance is through convergence or radiation or lines.

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当时居礼夫人因长期过度照射放射线,得白血病不治去世。Due to long time under excess radiation, Madame Curie contracted leukemia and dead.

早期病变可以有效地用放射线或烧灼术和刮除术来治疗。Early lesions can be successfully treated with irradiation or cautery and curettage.

通过对日常物体的放射线影像,使我找到了令人吃惊的解答。By making radiographic images of everyday objects, I’ve found some surprising answers.

氢原子、硫原子和氧原子的放射线被窄带图像数据记录了下来。Emission from atomic hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen is captured in the narrow band data.

这些特殊的放射线学变化帮助我们做肝脏间叶缺陷瘤的正确诊断。These characteristic radiologic finding led to the diagnosis of hepatic mesenchymal hamartoma.

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病人于术后恢复良好,随后于术后三周后接受进一步化学及放射线治疗。She recovered well after the operation, and received combined chemoradiotherapy in later weeks.

治疗则依病理特性而定,原则上上皮癌以手术与放射线合并治疗。We usually treated patients with epidermoid cancer with surgery and postoperative radiotherapy.

她坚信政府会让她建立法国第一个军用放射线学中心。She convinced the government to empower her to set up France's first military radiology centers.

接受放射线治疗鼻咽癌之后,张馨镁变得非常虚弱。After extensive radiology treatment for throat cancer, Zhang Xinmei has been left weak and frail.

从事或监督该工作的放射线技师必须持有有效注册证书。Radiographers must hold a valid certificate of registration to perform and or supervise such work.

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病人在五个月后局部復发并接受缓和经尿道膀胱肿瘤切除及局部放射线治療。Local recurrence occurred 5 months later, and he received palliative TUR and regional radiotherapy.

用于放射线屏敝防护的钡铝酸盐混凝土及其装饰面砖。A barium aluminate concrete and fancy face brick are used for radioactive rays shielding protection.

放射线治疗的范围较过去集中,也避免了心、肺等正常组织遭池鱼之殃。More focused radiation is also less damaging to normal tissues such as those of the heart and lungs.