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诽谤抹黑他,然后你赢了。Debilitate or sling mud at him, and you win!

这些人利用谣言抹黑中国的企图决不会得逞。Their attempt to defame China will get nowhere.

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我们绝不会让他给我们队脸上抹黑。We're not gonna let him bring shame on our team.

他所作的一切都是为了往我的名字上抹黑。All he's trying to do is to throw mud at my name.

我们不许可他们给我们国家脸上抹黑。We are not going to let them bring shame on our country.

不许他给我们集体脸上抹黑。We are not going to let him bring shame on our collective.

西方世界的确被杀人狂抹黑了。The western world was indeed black with homicidal monomania.

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“它将使我们被边缘化被抹黑。”其中一位抱怨道。"It will keep us all marginalized and discredited, " one griped.

而如果我搬走,我将会落下给他的政治生涯抹黑的罪名。And if I had moved out, I’d be pegged as bringing down his career.

这是政府惯用的手法来抹黑极权主义。Itwas used by the government to discredit totalitarianism in general.

窗外的天空是灰的,是被这些人抹黑的。Outside the window the sky is gray, and is discrediting these people.

当然,佩林一家和佩林的支持者都想抹黑他。Of course, the Palins and Palin supporters would like to discredit him.

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随著选举日期愈来愈逼近,抹黑与暴力事件就更形恶化。As the election day came nearer, mud- slinging and violence got even worse.

但伯奈斯所做的不止是试图抹黑阿尔本斯政权But what Bernays was doing was not just trying to blacken the Arbenz regime

被抹黑的价值运动,希望离开,以避免问题的辩论。By stigmatizing the values movement, the Left hopes to avoid the issues in debate.

这位老师很庆幸自己没有把这孩子的童真抹黑。“冰融化后是春天”多美妙的句子啊!The boy said, The thaw of the ice means the winter is over can spring be far behind ?

是在利用人们的直觉和世俗感觉来抹黑大豆色拉油。It uses people's instinct and ignorant of science to try to blemish Soya Bean Salad Oil.

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接着奥尔良烤翅端上来跟掉进过炭火里一样焦,乌漆抹黑。Orlean then served with grilled wings fell into a charcoal fire in the same focal, dark.

我不希望我的朋友看到她与结冰抹黑,所以我湿纸巾擦拭她。I don't want my friends to see her smeared with icing, so I wet a paper towel and wipe her.

色彩,庆祝在加尔各答,星期日,2010年2月28日印度洒红节抹黑印度男孩。Indian boys smeared with colors celebrate Holi in Calcutta, India on Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010.